I have several sesions of images taken with my Atik 383L mono cam.
I found that the images were very noisy compared to my DSLR and my QHY8L and cloud not process them with good results.
Until a few weeks ago, I didnt know that this model of ATIK had problems when votage drops below 12.5V.
Now, looking to the individual captures, I can see that there is a pattern of noise that repeats from image to image even from sesion to sesion, the same noisy pixels apear on the images.
The noise is not removed by dark frames nor by flat or bias. (see image)
I tried using cosmetic correction, noise reduction, etc, etc, etc.
The last thing I tried was stacking the images wo aligning and the substract this result from the original images as a kind of artificial dark and the result was promising, but not good.
Do you have any processing suggestion for this?