Hi all,
I'd say we have a 98% or so of the work done now. I hope we'll have it ready for release before December 20.
Basically, these are the most important pending tasks:
- Complete the final PCL 2.0 version. I am working on it right now.
- Fix a few pending bugs in the PI Core application, mainly some minor bugs in the projects system.
- Complete planned improvements for the ATrousWaveletTransform and MultiscaleMedianTransform tools (real-time preview stuff).
- Port the entire platform to FreeBSD, Mac OS X and Windows. As you know PI is primarily developed on Linux.
- Fix a couple of pending bugs on Mac OS X (mainly the bugs related to opening images directly from Finder).
- Prepare installation packages on all platforms.
1.8 Ripley is probably the most ambitious version of PixInsight we have released ever. I have rewritten basically the entire PCL and about a 40% of the core application, including almost all of the low-level API that communicates with external modules. This is indeed a huge amount of work.
This version has one 'problem' though: most changes are only visible to developers. End users won't see a lot of new stuff, besides the new File Explorer window, the all-new Script Editor (which again is mainly for developers), many improvements in the graphical interface (but no 'wow' new features), a general speed improvement, and small (but important) changes in many tools. We could say that 1.8 Ripley is a 're-foundation' version. From the end user perspective, the truly important changes will come in 2013, where we'll see many new tools and development lines. Version 1.8 is a necessary step to make all of that possible.