Author Topic: Cosmetics  (Read 2866 times)

Offline rcolombari

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  • Posts: 8
« on: 2012 August 09 08:16:27 »
Hi All,
I bought and I am using P.I. since a couple of weeks.

I would like to have a clarification on the usage of cosmetics.

I made 20 shots of 3.30mins each, 800 ISO (Canon 1000D Baader Mod.), on Messier 20 with an APO Triplet, 480mm focal length.
I made 20 flats and 10 darks, as well.

I used the preprocessing batch script in 2 ways:

A) Just calibration without cosmetics (Debayering done with the preprocessing script)
Here the result of 1 of the 20 calibrated images:
As you can see, there are lots of red small structures all around the picture.

B) Just calibration with cosmetics  (Debayering done after the preprocessing script)
Here the result of 1 of the 20 calibrated images:
The parameters of the cosmetics are:
As you can see, it seems to have lost lots of SNR and the colors are all messed up.

Do yu have an idea if it could be my fault in the processing steps or something related with the images?

Thanks, regards,