Author Topic: Test post to try and insert an image  (Read 3550 times)

Offline marekc

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Test post to try and insert an image
« on: 2012 July 13 22:37:44 »
This is a test post, to see if I can insert an image.

This is the Leo Triplet, which I shot with an 80mm refractor, and an ST-8300M camera, through a Luminance filter:

Okay, judging from the Preview of my post, the image was inserted correctly. It appears to have been inserted at full size. I'll go back to the Simple Machines Forum wiki, and see if there's any way I can change the size of the image *as it appears in the post*, while still making the image in the post link to the full-sized image.

The objects in the image were annotated with the Pixinsight `Annotation' script. More information can be found in my imaging blog:

- Marek