Author Topic: Password error and Microsoft C Runtime errors in windows explorer  (Read 2739 times)

Offline gbrown

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I have an evaluation copy of PixInsight down loaded earlier this week. I've managed just one run of the batch processing script "Batch Preprocessing", before experiencing the following; On loading PixInsight an error is generated with the following message "The server reports the password is invalid" (not on every startup) yet PI runs, but I suspect there are some problems. It seems that I get "out of memory error messages" hang ups with no information generated, I did see in the log a message saying that it was Processing 9000 stars with a file size 1.05gb. In addition I now have some issues with Windows 7 home edition 32bit windows explorer. If I try to move or delete a file an error message appears "Windows Explorer has a C++ error" with no further information as Windows Explorer shuts down.
Thanks in advance

Offline Juan Conejero

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This looks like an out of memory error with a 32-bit version of PixInsight running on a 32-bit operating system. Please note that all 32-bit versions are now officially obsolete. If you are working with 1GB files, then I strongly recommend you use a 64-bit version of PixInsight on a 64-bit operating system. Otherwise, if you describe some of the operations you want to perform, I can try to find some workarounds to avoid or alleviate out of memory problems.

The startup error is unrelated to the other issues and is probably due to a brief server downtime or a network error, which may have caused problems to authenticate your trial license. These are  temporary connection problems that happen from time to time. Once the application starts, it will run normally.

As for the problem with Windows Explorer, we are not responsible for issues caused by third-party applications that are unrelated to PixInsight. These errors are probably caused by your system running at the limit of memory resources. Again, the best way to fix them is using 64-bit software.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team