Author Topic: Balancing narrowband mapped colors  (Read 3272 times)

Offline Bob Hertel

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Balancing narrowband mapped colors
« on: 2012 June 23 08:51:53 »
I'm processing and SII Ha OIII Pelican Nebula image, which as you know is heavily Ha dominated.  I do have some signal in the other two wavelengths, but it's much fainter.  I've tried multiplying these by some constants in the RGB Combine process, but I can never seem to get them to show up well.  Is there either a PixelMath formula or an alternate approach that someone might suggest?  I've seen a few images on the web that are tricolored, but so far, I can't seem to get there.
Bob Hertel

Offline vicent_peris

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Re: Balancing narrowband mapped colors
« Reply #1 on: 2012 June 23 09:22:26 »
Hi Bob,

Go to ColorCalibration and set as white balance the whole image. Uncheck the structure detection checkbox.

This will balance the three emission lines.


Offline Bob Hertel

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Re: Balancing narrowband mapped colors
« Reply #2 on: 2012 June 23 14:30:10 »
Thank you! Using Image Statistics, I could see that the three channels then all had the same median value (and the standard deviations were similar as well. does that generally happen?)
The part I guessed on was what to choose for the background reference image.  I did select a little preview of the background, and then used the Region of Interest option.  But then there was a part in that same background  section to specify the reference image (again).  I picked the whole image and it seemed to work, but should the background reference image choice be the background preview, or the whole image?
In any case, I got some nice golds an teals-looks pretty!
Bob Hertgel