Look at your FIT files as they *came out* of Nebulosity (before feeding them to any other program) and look at the FIT headers.
THey ought to be 16-bit but do you have a BZERO field? If so, what is it?
If it is "0", then indeed your data goes from 0 to 65535 and is unsigned.
If it is 32768, then your data is signed and doing what you did below eliminated half your range and probably 90% of your data.
To avoid problems between Neb and PixInsight, always save your Nebulosity files as unsigned 16 bits FITS.
To another point, PI just came with a new script to make master frames (that is supposed to be a lot less complicated than the prior one.) I haven't played with it yet but it is found under Scripts and is named Batch Preprocessing. Give it a go.
This is what the FITS Header looks like in Nebulosity's FITS Header Tool
HDU 1: Image
Image has 2 axes and is 4770 x 3178 in size
HDU has 21 keywords:
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = -32 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 4770 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2 = 3178 / length of data axis 2
EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H
CREATOR = 'Nebulosity v2.4.0' / program and version that created this file
INSTRUME= 'Canon DSLR: Canon EOS 500D' / instrument name
DATE = '2011-03-30 20:58:51' / UTC date that FITS file was created
DATE-OBS= '2011-03-30T20:53:33' / YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss observation start, UT
EXPOSURE= 300. / Exposure time s
GAIN = 4 / Camera gain
OFFSET = 0 / Camera offset
BIN_MODE= 1 / Camera binning mode
ARRAY_TY= 1 / CCD array type
XBINNING= 1 / Camera binning mode
YBINNING= 1 / Camera binning mode
EXPTIME = 300. / Exposure time s
FILTER = 'No filter' / Optical filter name
I don't have a BZERO field. What does that mean then?
I've tried the preprocessing script but with no luck. That was with another set of files though and I will try it again with the same files that I used here and see what happens.