This behavior is perfectly normal, as long as you understand the object oriented paradigm in PixInsight's interfase, instead of the "standard" used by other applications. This means, Resample does not have to automatically select the active window, becouse the Resample process (and it's graphical interfase) is an independent object, wich doesn't depend on image to have its own life. You may open Resample without any image opened at all. You just select an image to get the input of the relative resizes, or final pixel dimensions. By selecting the image, you are not creating a link with it in the sense that Resample will be applied to this specific image by pushing the Apply Button. That button applies the instance to the current active image/window, and as long as you does not change it, even when you change the image selected at the Resample window, it will be applied to the same image.
The bottom line, to avoid confusions about the current active window, make use of the drag & drop object to apply a process, so you'll be sure wich image will be changed.