More testing and some interesting findings. I also noticed changing the cache duration days in the cache preferences doesn't work. I change it to 3, restart PI and it's back to 30 days again.
My machine is Windows 7 x64 using NTFS file systems. Would someone with a similar setup try to duplicate this issue?
Checked File timestamps: 5/7/12 07:37
Last modified timestamps:
8310: ?Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:57:14 AM
8311: ?Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:57:39 AM
8312: Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:58:04 AM
8313: ?Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:58:30 AM
Manually cleared memory and persistent cache
Run #1: 5/7/12 07:38:04
Console output: All files are analyzed as expected
ImageIntegration: Global context
Opening files:
Reading FITS: 32-bit floating point, 3 channel(s), 4674x4121 pixels: 100%
MRS noise evaluation: done.
Scale factors : 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
Zero offset : +0.000000e+000 +0.000000e+000 +0.000000e+000
Noise estimates : 1.463e-004 1.240e-004 1.283e-004
Weight : 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
Reading FITS: 32-bit floating point, 3 channel(s), 4674x4121 pixels: 100%
MRS noise evaluation: done.
Scale factors : 1.00049 0.99512 0.99103
Zero offset : -2.869638e-006 +2.261950e-006 +2.796412e-006
Noise estimates : 1.462e-004 1.242e-004 1.287e-004
Weight : 1.00062 1.00600 1.01284
Reading FITS: 32-bit floating point, 3 channel(s), 4674x4121 pixels: 100%
MRS noise evaluation: done.
Scale factors : 0.98910 0.97635 0.97303
Zero offset : -1.987419e-005 -1.513364e-005 -1.352391e-005
Noise estimates : 1.474e-004 1.253e-004 1.297e-004
Weight : 1.00713 1.02627 1.03314
Reading FITS: 32-bit floating point, 3 channel(s), 4674x4121 pixels: 100%
MRS noise evaluation: done.
Scale factors : 1.00844 0.97273 0.97011
Zero offset : -1.483737e-005 -8.663046e-006 -6.191432e-006
Noise estimates : 1.468e-004 1.250e-004 1.294e-004
Weight : 0.97588 1.04010 1.04471
Integration of 4 images:
Pixel combination ......... average
Output normalization ...... additive
Pixel rejection ........... none
* Using 897 concurrent pixel stack(s) = 271.89 MB
* Integrating channel 1 of 3:
Integrating pixel rows: 0 -> 896: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 897 -> 1793: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 1794 -> 2690: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 2691 -> 3587: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 3588 -> 4120: 100%
* Integrating channel 2 of 3:
Integrating pixel rows: 0 -> 896: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 897 -> 1793: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 1794 -> 2690: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 2691 -> 3587: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 3588 -> 4120: 100%
* Integrating channel 3 of 3:
Integrating pixel rows: 0 -> 896: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 897 -> 1793: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 1794 -> 2690: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 2691 -> 3587: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 3588 -> 4120: 100%
MRS noise evaluation: /
** Warning: No convergence in MRS noise evaluation routine - using k-sigma noise estimate.|
** Warning: No convergence in MRS noise evaluation routine - using k-sigma noise estimate.done.
Computing noise scaling factors: done.
Gaussian noise estimates:
?sR = 3.322e-004
?sG = 1.585e-004
?sB = 1.661e-004
Reference SNR increments:
??s0R = 1.7300
??s0G = 3.0721
??s0B = 6.3496
Average SNR increments:
??sR = 1.7337
??sG = 3.0449
??sB = 6.2795
120.704 s
Run #2: 5/7/12 07:44:40
Rerun the same integration. All files are now using the cache. Notice the total run times, using the cache
is over 4 times faster.
ImageIntegration: Global context
Opening files:
* Retrieved data from file cache.
Scale factors : 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
Zero offset : +0.000000e+000 +0.000000e+000 +0.000000e+000
Noise estimates : 1.463e-004 1.240e-004 1.283e-004
Weight : 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
* Retrieved data from file cache.
Scale factors : 1.00049 0.99512 0.99103
Zero offset : -2.869638e-006 +2.261950e-006 +2.796412e-006
Noise estimates : 1.462e-004 1.242e-004 1.287e-004
Weight : 1.00062 1.00600 1.01284
* Retrieved data from file cache.
Scale factors : 0.98910 0.97635 0.97303
Zero offset : -1.987419e-005 -1.513364e-005 -1.352391e-005
Noise estimates : 1.474e-004 1.253e-004 1.297e-004
Weight : 1.00713 1.02627 1.03314
* Retrieved data from file cache.
Scale factors : 1.00844 0.97273 0.97011
Zero offset : -1.483737e-005 -8.663046e-006 -6.191432e-006
Noise estimates : 1.468e-004 1.250e-004 1.294e-004
Weight : 0.97588 1.04010 1.04471
Integration of 4 images:
Pixel combination ......... average
Output normalization ...... additive
Pixel rejection ........... none
* Using 897 concurrent pixel stack(s) = 271.89 MB
* Integrating channel 1 of 3:
Integrating pixel rows: 0 -> 896: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 897 -> 1793: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 1794 -> 2690: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 2691 -> 3587: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 3588 -> 4120: 100%
* Integrating channel 2 of 3:
Integrating pixel rows: 0 -> 896: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 897 -> 1793: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 1794 -> 2690: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 2691 -> 3587: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 3588 -> 4120: 100%
* Integrating channel 3 of 3:
Integrating pixel rows: 0 -> 896: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 897 -> 1793: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 1794 -> 2690: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 2691 -> 3587: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 3588 -> 4120: 100%
MRS noise evaluation: /
** Warning: No convergence in MRS noise evaluation routine - using k-sigma noise estimate.|
** Warning: No convergence in MRS noise evaluation routine - using k-sigma noise estimate.done.
Computing noise scaling factors: done.
Gaussian noise estimates:
?sR = 3.322e-004
?sG = 1.585e-004
?sB = 1.661e-004
Reference SNR increments:
??s0R = 1.7300
??s0G = 3.0721
??s0B = 6.3496
Average SNR increments:
??sR = 1.7337
??sG = 3.0449
??sB = 6.2795
28.424 s
Last modified timestamps are still:
8310: ?Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:57:14 AM
8311: ?Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:57:39 AM
8312: Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:58:04 AM
8313: ?Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:58:30 AM
Close and restart PI.
Run #3: 5/7/12 07:49:02
Notice that 2 of 4 images are reanalyzed for statistics and the total run time has increased by over 2 times.
The file modification times have not changed since I started this test session, so the file cache should be used.
Most interesting of all is the Loaded cache line in the console output (shown in large green text below): it
says 124 item(s) were loaded. How can that be since I manually cleared the cache and only 4 images have
been analyzed at this point. It should read 4 items. Something is definitely wrong with the cache on my
machine if no one else can duplicate this.
ImageIntegration: Global context
* Loaded cache: 124 item(s)
Opening files:
* Retrieved data from file cache.
Scale factors : 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
Zero offset : +0.000000e+000 +0.000000e+000 +0.000000e+000
Noise estimates : 1.463e-004 1.240e-004 1.283e-004
Weight : 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
* Retrieved data from file cache.
Scale factors : 1.00049 0.99512 0.99103
Zero offset : -2.869638e-006 +2.261950e-006 +2.796412e-006
Noise estimates : 1.462e-004 1.242e-004 1.287e-004
Weight : 1.00062 1.00600 1.01284
Reading FITS: 32-bit floating point, 3 channel(s), 4674x4121 pixels: 100%
MRS noise evaluation: done.
Scale factors : 0.98910 0.97635 0.97303
Zero offset : -1.987419e-005 -1.513364e-005 -1.352391e-005
Noise estimates : 1.474e-004 1.253e-004 1.297e-004
Weight : 1.00713 1.02627 1.03314
Reading FITS: 32-bit floating point, 3 channel(s), 4674x4121 pixels: 100%
MRS noise evaluation: done.
Scale factors : 1.00844 0.97273 0.97011
Zero offset : -1.483737e-005 -8.663046e-006 -6.191432e-006
Noise estimates : 1.468e-004 1.250e-004 1.294e-004
Weight : 0.97588 1.04010 1.04471
Integration of 4 images:
Pixel combination ......... average
Output normalization ...... additive
Pixel rejection ........... none
* Using 897 concurrent pixel stack(s) = 271.89 MB
* Integrating channel 1 of 3:
Integrating pixel rows: 0 -> 896: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 897 -> 1793: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 1794 -> 2690: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 2691 -> 3587: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 3588 -> 4120: 100%
* Integrating channel 2 of 3:
Integrating pixel rows: 0 -> 896: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 897 -> 1793: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 1794 -> 2690: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 2691 -> 3587: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 3588 -> 4120: 100%
* Integrating channel 3 of 3:
Integrating pixel rows: 0 -> 896: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 897 -> 1793: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 1794 -> 2690: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 2691 -> 3587: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 3588 -> 4120: 100%
MRS noise evaluation: —
** Warning: No convergence in MRS noise evaluation routine - using k-sigma noise estimate./
** Warning: No convergence in MRS noise evaluation routine - using k-sigma noise estimate.done.
Computing noise scaling factors: done.
Gaussian noise estimates:
?sR = 3.322e-004
?sG = 1.585e-004
?sB = 1.661e-004
Reference SNR increments:
??s0R = 1.7300
??s0G = 3.0721
??s0B = 6.3496
Average SNR increments:
??sR = 1.7337
??sG = 3.0449
??sB = 6.2795
66.019 s
Last modified timestamps are still:
8310: ?Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:57:14 AM
8311: ?Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:57:39 AM
8312: Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:58:04 AM
8313: ?Wednesday, ?May ?02, ?2012, ??9:58:30 AM