Author Topic: Batch preprocessing script questions  (Read 3222 times)

Offline Luigi

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Batch preprocessing script questions
« on: 2012 May 01 20:19:01 »
I've been playing around with the new batch pre-processing script and I have a question or two ..

In the 'Options' group, if 'Generate rejection maps' is checked, the calibration file is three-dimensional, i.e. the calibration frame and its low and high maps are in one image file. I tried to use my master dark in the 'Cosmetic Correction' module but cannot, as that generates an error.

I created a process icon for a script instance, but when I opened it later it did not have the list of files within, although it did remember other settings. Is this by design?

I have an LRGB set, with the RGB binned 2x2. The image registration module fails on its first pass for all of the 2x2 frames, as I am using one of the 1x1 frames as the reference. Is there a 'hint' I can give to have the module rescale without having it fail first, and then do the right thing?

Luigi Marchesi