Author Topic: Process and Image Icon Positions Jumbled on Open Existing Project  (Read 5017 times)

Offline Sean

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A minor complaint - when I open an existing Project, a number of the process and image icons are scattered around the screen in a seeming random arrangement - not in the nice neat stacks that I left them in when I saved the Project. This happens to between 20 and 50% of the icons.

One problem that results from this is that shaded image icons can be buried under other icons, and can be hard to find.

Mac OSX 10.7.3, PI 64 bit, but I saw this in earlier versions of OSX and PI as well.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Sean (Making heavy use of Projects these days)

Offline Juan Conejero

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Hi Sean,

I have never seen anything similar to this problem. Does this happen always or just sporadically? Can you provide a relatively small project where you're having this problem?

Anybody else has similar issues on Mac OS X or other platforms?
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

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Let me chime in. I run PI 64-bit on my Win7 workstation. I use projects a lot, and I have never seen it fail to scramble the shaded images and icons. My experience seems very similar to Sean's. If I send you a .xosm file and it's corresponding .data file, will that be enough for you to try to duplicate it?

Dave Ayers
  Stellarvue 80 mm refractor on CG-5 mount, Orion 50mm guide scope. Imaging camera SBIG STF-8300M, guide camera ASI120mm. PHD Guiding. Sequence Generator Pro, PixInsight.

Offline Sean

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Hi Juan,

Yes, it's consistent, and it's usually the process icons that are the worst. I'm trying a few scenarios now to see if there's any specific pattern related to window size, project state, etc.

In general, though, I neatly stack all the process and shaded image icons towards the right-most side of the window before I save the project. If I close PI, then restart PI and open the project, as the icons are reloaded a number of them end up in random places, usually somewhere on the right-most side of the PI window, but not where I left them. As I mentioned, some of the shaded window icons are stacked on top of each other, making it hard to find them.

I'll try to put together a small project that demonstrates this.



Offline Sean

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Further details on this slightly annoying but certainly not critical problem :)

Iconized image windows return to their proper locations after re-opening a project, but shaded image window icons do not. Is it possible this is due to the shaded window icons extending past the maximization limit line?

Perhaps related : the position of the maximization line apparently is not saved with the project. If I move it so that all the shaded icons are to the left of the line (the shaded icons are quite long), when I re-open the project the line gets reset to its default position and the shaded window icons are randomly located on the main window.

Added later: It also appears that the Process Icons that are scattered around are those with long Process names and hence long icons. It has something to do with the maximization line position, and perhaps with Process icons that extend past the right edge of the main PI window.

I hope this helps,

« Last Edit: 2012 May 13 11:33:32 by Sean »

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Sean, I also see this behavior in my saved projects.  I'm also using Windows 7 x64.

Thanks for keeping this thread alive, since projects are one of the most valuable and unique features of PI.  Fixing all these minor issues will really make it shine.  I just wish Adobe would do the same of PS..., users have just been asking for years  :yell:


Offline Juan Conejero

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If only I could reproduce this behavior...

I assume that all users not posting in this thread are not having these problems. I really NEED more users confirming that this does / does not happen on their Windows 7 and Mac OS X machines.

If I can't reproduce and understand a problem, I cannot solve it!
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team


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If only I could reproduce this behavior...
Happens for me all the time, but mainly for the image positions, not process icon positions. OS: Windows 7 64 bit and Windows XP 32 bit.
Normally I arrange images in rows/columns and process icons to the right of the blue line, like shown in the example. Projects with a lot of images can really get messed up after opening. The example is the easiest one i was able to prepare within 2 minutes.

Hope this helps to solve it once and for all.


EDIT: Just checked on Mac OS X 10.7.3. It happens there also and is easy to reproduce.
« Last Edit: 2012 May 14 22:54:18 by ruediger »

Offline Sean

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Hi Juan,

Here's my contribution to the bug hunt.

This little project has 2 tiny images - PSF's. One is shaded and the other iconized. Both Icons were placed in a neat column along the right hand side of the main PI window.

When I exit PI and re-open the Project, the iconized icon is where I left it, and the shaded icon is out somewhere in the middle of the PI window. It seems to come back to the same wrong place every time.

I hope this helps - if you need something more please let me know.

This seems like a minor issue, but it is a problem. At my recent PI presentation in Portland, I had to make sure that I opened my PI project and cleaned up the mess before the projector was enabled - I didn't want anyone to think that I was a messy housekeeper :D


Offline Sean

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Hi Juan,

Any progress on tracking this down? Did the 2 little supplied projects help?

Thanks, Sean

Offline Juan Conejero

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Any progress on tracking this down? Did the 2 little supplied projects help?

Partially. I have been able to reproduce just one part of the problem: minimized (shaded) tool windows change their positions when a project is reopened sometimes. This seems relatively easy to find and fix. However, I have been unable to reproduce the 'jumbling icons' problem. When opening a project, all process and image icons are loaded at the same positions they had when the project was last saved.

However, I have found a potential problem in the core application's source code that might explain these problems on Windows. It is now fixed, so hopefully this problem will get fixed too, on Windows at least..

Rest assured that I'll keep looking for the cause of this bug. This is not going to be the first time I can't find and fix a bug ;)
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

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Perhaps screen resolution or multiple monitors are playing into this?
