Author Topic: ImageCalibration Dark Optimization: How does this minimize noise?  (Read 30102 times)

Offline vicent_peris

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Hi Georg,

At which temperature did you acquire your light, bias and dark frames?


Offline georg.viehoever

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At which temperature did you acquire your light, bias and dark frames?
All at 19 degrees C (room temperature). Note that I am using 30 second darks as lights in this experiment.
Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)

Offline vicent_peris

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I would recommend first to acquire more bias and dark frames, specially when the darks are so short, because the dark signal will be dominated by the read noise.


Offline georg.viehoever

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Using the data from, I wanted to understand how pixels in dark frames behaved. I looked at a section of 30x30 pixels starting at position 1000,1000 in my dark frames with different exposures. Here is what I found:
- some pixels indeed responded to increasing exposures- warm+hot pixels. These are the non-blue pixels in screenshot 1. They show a strong response to exposure time, as shown for pixel 1001,1023 in screenshot 2 (the yellow pixel in row 24 (from below),col2 (from left) of screenshot 1). Most pixels actually show a slightly negative response to exposure time (blue):
Code: [Select]
> summary(as.numeric(a$factor))
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max.
-0.235000 -0.082980 -0.041170  0.062830  0.009645  4.801000
- creating a linear model, determined the "bias" at a hypothetical exposure with zero exposure time. The values are shown in screenshot 3. Most values are around 1024 (orange) as expected, but some tend to much lower values. These are strongly correlated with the hot pixels in screenshot 1.
- what really surprised me that there are some pixels that show a very low correlation to exposure as measured by R2 (R squared), for instance the pixel at 1018,0 in screenshot 4 (the deep blue pixel in the lowest row, col 19). It seems to behave chaotically (screenshot 5).

From what I see it seems to make sense to treat pixels as individuals: Some are hot, some are very cool, some are chaotic. Just scaling them all by the same factor probably gives away a lot of information.

Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)

Offline georg.viehoever

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screenshot 5
Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)

Offline georg.viehoever

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...The dark optimization works by looking for a minimum noise value in the resulting image after subtracting the scaled dark frame. This works because the dark is a fixed pattern noise.
"Fixed pattern noise": to me this seems to be an oxymoron. This is clearly different from the random noise I was thinking about. I would call it "undesired signal", or something like that.
PS: would anyone call the effect corrected by flat images "lens vignetting noise"?
Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)


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That's very interesting Georg. It's nice to have the tools to analyse the problem. Fixed pattern noise as far as I am concerned is repeatable. Dark signal is repeatable within limits, but it cannot be said to be entirely consistent. I guess that's what you are getting at.

The problem is compounded by DSLR sensors without cooling. It's a wide temperature variation over an imaging session. I don't think fixed pattern is incorrect terminology, it's not random, there is a degree of repeatability.

Anyway, I guess you know that. Perhaps, relatively consistent interference is more accurate. Noise by any other name?

Offline Philip de Louraille

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Predictable noise?
Philip de Louraille

Offline Juan Conejero

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Keeping terminology discussions aside for a while, here is a detailed description of our dark frame optimization algorithm.

Let's state the problem first. We may describe an uncalibrated raw light frame with this very simple equation:

I = I0 + D + B

where I is the uncalibrated raw light frame, D is the dark current, and B is the bias pedestal. All terms in this equation are vectors (or matrices) because we are describing a process for a whole image at the pixel level. I0 is the dark-and-bias-subtracted raw light frame (we know that the next calibration step would be flat fielding, but this is unimportant to this discussion). Our goal here is to obtain I0.

As we have stated it above, this is a trivial problem: just subtract good master bias and dark frames from the uncalibrated light frame, and the result will be a good approximation to I0 (the better the masters, the better the approximation). However, the actual problem is more complex because the dark current D is highly time- and temperature-dependent, so a perfect match between the dark current signals in I and D is only a theoretical goal. A better (but still far from perfect) approximation to the actual problem is more like this:

I = I0 + k*D + B

where k is a scaling factor that attempts to account for effective exposure time and temperature differences between the light frame and the master dark frame. The process of finding a good approximation to the scaling factor k is what we call dark frame optimization.

Note that I have said that this is far from a perfect solution. It is wrong mainly because the dark current does not vary linearly with exposure time and temperature for the whole numeric range of the data, so a single multiplicative factor cannot be very accurate, especially when time and temperature differences between I and D are large. Dark optimization, however, is always better than nothing. From our experience, dark optimization is beneficial even if exposure times and temperatures are matched between light and dark frames. For this reason the corresponding parameter is enabled by default in our ImageCalibration tool.

Now that we have described the problem, let's describe our solution. Algorithmically this is known as an optimization problem: find the value of a parameter that minimizes (or maximizes) the value of a function. For example, think in terms of the economical cost of a production process. We have to produce an item A that depends on a factor r, which leads to the problem: find the value of r that minimizes the cost of producing A. In real cases r usually represents a complex set of parameters and constraints, such as environmental factors, availability of prime matters, production systems, etc., so that the most difficult part of the solution often consists of identifying a significant set of parameters or model to define a suitable cost function. This leads to the subject of linear programming.

The dark frame optimization problem is a relatively simple case of function optimization with a single parameter. The first step is to define the cost function that we want to minimize. To explain why and how we have selected a particular function we need some visual analysis. Take a look at the following two images:

One of them is a crop of a bias-subtracted master dark frame, the other is not. Difficult to say which is which, isn't it? The image to the right is a mix of synthetically generated uniform noise and impulsional noise (salt and pepper noise) with 0.5% probability. It has been generated with the NoiseGenerator tool in PixInsight. With this comparison I am trying to show that a master dark frame looks very similar to random noise: essentially, a master dark frame is composed of pixel-to-pixel intensity variations whose spatial distribution is rather uniform, plus a relatively small amount of hot pixels whose distribution and typical values are similar to impulsional noise. Of course, we know that the thermal noise is a fixed pattern characteristic of a given sensor, so it is not random because it is predictable. However, morphologically a master dark frame is virtually indistinguishable from random noise. It is not noise, but it behaves like that, and we are going to take advantage of this simple property to implement a purely numerical solution.

So our cost function is just a noise evaluation function. We already have implemented a powerful multiscale noise evaluation algorithm in several PixInsight tools, such as ImageIntegration, to implement a noise-based image weighting algorithm (Jean-Luc Starck and Fionn Murtagh, Automatic Noise Estimation from the Multiresolution Support, Publications of the Royal Astronomical Society of the Pacific, vol. 110, February 1998, pp. 193-199). In this case, however, we have implemented a simpler and very efficient method (Jean-Luc Starck and Fionn Murtagh, Astronomical Image and Data Analysis, Springer-Verlag, 2002, pp. 37-38) known as k-sigma noise estimation:

- Compute a single-layer wavelet transform of the image. This transform consists of the finest wavelet scale w1 plus a residual cJ, which we simply discard. We use the standard B3 spline wavelet scaling function as a separable low-pass filter.

- Iterate a k-sigma process as follows: At each iteration n > 0, denote by d(n) the subset of pixels in w1 such that |d(n-1)ij| < k*sigma(n-1), where sigma(n-1) is the standard deviation of the current subset of pixels (from the previous iteration). In our implementation we have d(0)=w1, k=3, and this process is iterated until no significant difference is achieved between two consecutive iterations. For dark frame optimization, we iterate up to 1% accuracy and normally 3 or 5 iterations are sufficient.

- The final noise estimate is the standard deviation of the resulting subset of pixels. Note that this is an unscaled noise estimate of Gaussian white noise, since it depends on the wavelet scaling function used. However, since we don't want to compare noise estimates among different images, but only to minimize the noise in a particular image after dark subtraction, an unscaled estimate is perfectly suitable.

Note that the use of a wavelet transform is actually irrelevant in this process; we use it just because it is very fast and we have it readily available on the PixInsight/PCL platform. A simple convolution with a low-pass filter followed by a subtraction from the original image would be equivalent.

This noise evaluation algorithm is robust and 'cannot fail'  The rest of our algorithm is a routine to find the minimum of a unimodal function. For the sake of robustness, I haven't implemented anything fancy here: just an adaptation of the classical golden section search algorithm. Perhaps not the fastest alternative, but golden section search is absolutely robust, which is what I want here.

Summarizing, the algorithm can be described at a high level as follows:

- Find a range [k0,k1] of dark scaling factors that bracket the minimum of the noise evaluation function. This is the initial bracketing phase.

- Iterate the golden section search algorithm to find the minimum of the noise evaluation function. At each iteration, compute the calibrated raw frame as:

I0 = I - k*D - B

and evaluate the noise in I0 with the k-sigma iterative method.

- Iterate until the minimum of the noise evaluation function is determined up to a prescribed accuracy (1/1000 fractional accuracy in our implementation).

- The final value of the dark scaling factor is the value of k from the last iteration.

From our tests, this algorithm has proven extremely robust and accurate. However it has two known problems:

- It is very sensitive to bad quality calibration frames. In particular, if the master bias and/or the master dark frames include significant amounts of read noise, the optimization algorithm will find a value of k that overcorrects thermal noise to compensate for the additive random noise component. In extreme cases, this may lead to dark holes as a result of overcorrected hot pixels. However, if the master calibration frames are bad quality ones, the whole image reduction process makes no sense, actually...

- It implicitly assumes that the dark optimization function is constant for the whole range of numerical data values, since it consists of a simple multiplicative factor. This is not the case in practice, especially for high intensity values. As a result of this simplistic optimization model, the algorithm tends to undercorrect hot pixels. This is a very minor issue, however, since hot pixels are easily rejected during integration (because you dither your images, don't you?) and can be removed also with cosmetic correction techniques.

In a future version of the dark optimization algorithm we'll compute different optimization factors for separate intensity ranges in a spline fashion. This should fix the hot pixel undercorrection problem.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team


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Thank you Juan. That is a very clear grass roots explanation. Would you mind if I link to the DSLR_RAW workflow for further reading. I'm glad you mentioned dithering - perhaps I sound like a broken record - the benefits are worth the effort.

A recent set of images (Eta Carina) were taken at a sensor temperature of ~11C with a cooled DSLR. As an experiment I did not apply dark frames, using bias and flats only, which produced dark scaling factors of 1.0 during calibration of the light frames. At integration, scaling = >1. How should I interpret these values in light of no dark calibration?

Dithering is in the order of 10 - 15 pixels - very coarse - to suppress artifacts moreso than improve sub-pixel sampling, which requires half pixel spacing. Impossible to do intentionally with a manual system.

Offline vicent_peris

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A recent set of images (Eta Carina) were taken at a sensor temperature of ~11C with a cooled DSLR. As an experiment I did not apply dark frames, using bias and flats only, which produced dark scaling factors of 1.0 during calibration of the light frames. At integration, scaling = >1. How should I interpret these values in light of no dark calibration?

I'm sorry, but I don't completely understand your question a want to reply...



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Hi Vicent. Specifically, during image integration, following MRS evaluation, scaling values are consistently >1, approx 1.003. Usually scaling values after MRS are <1, if the frames have been dark calibrated.

I'm not sure of what these values mean in terms of dark calibration.

Offline pfile

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do you mean that the weights of the images during integration are all > 1?

Offline pfile

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- It is very sensitive to bad quality calibration frames. In particular, if the master bias and/or the master dark frames include significant amounts of read noise, the optimization algorithm will find a value of k that overcorrects thermal noise to compensate for the additive random noise component. In extreme cases, this may lead to dark holes as a result of overcorrected hot pixels. However, if the master calibration frames are bad quality ones, the whole image reduction process makes no sense, actually...

what if you have a cooled camera and short darks? are these 'bad quality'? because it seems to me that the read and bias noise would dominate such a dark. i think in this situation your algorithm usually declares that there's no correlation between the dark and the light. probably from a practical standpoint there's no reason to calibrate the light with a dark in this situation though.

also is it simply a characteristic of CCDs that the bias noise is always going to be greater than the read noise? both would seem to have their origins in semiconductor physics and the limitations of amplifier design, so it stands to reason they could be very similar.

Offline Cleon_Wells

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pfile said
also is it simply a characteristic of CCDs that the bias noise is always going to be greater than the read noise? both would seem to have their origins in semiconductor physics and the limitations of amplifier design, so it stands to reason they could be very similar

here's a link to physics info on ccd noise
my T1i has a 14bit clip point of 0.240 an offset/bias level of 0.0156, while a iso400-120second c_dark has a level of around 0.00008
Cleon - GSO 10"RC/Canon T1i-Hap Mod, 100mmF6/2Ucam/MG, EQG/EQmod