Sorry, it was my fault. Yesterday I changed the default FITS input range to [0,65535] and I forgot to change it back to [0,1]. Now your files are correct ...
The problem with your SBIG-ST-i files is the master bias. It is way too noisy. If you simply calibratethe SBIG files with the master dark and no master bias, you get dark scaling factors of 1.0 for the dark frames and 0.7 for the bias frames. The latter value gives you a good hint: it turns out that the bias frames can be improved by subtracting most of the thermal noise from them!
The dark optimization routine works to minimize noise induced in the target frame by subtraction of the master dark frame. For this process to work correctly, the bias and dark masters must be of good quality---otherwise dark frame optimization makes no sense (actually, the whole calibration process makes no sense if the master frames are poor). In other words: ideally, the only source of noise should be thermal noise. Since the master bias is introducing a lot of read noise in the equation, the dark frame optimization routine has to under-correct for dark frame subtraction, in an attempt to compensate the excess of read noise. The result is a scaling factor much larger than one in this case.
I wouldn't say that our routine is not working well in this case, despite the surprising result. In fact, it is converging to a solution where noise is being minimized. Of course, the result is useless. However, I see nothing inherently wrong here; it is just a case where dark frame optimization is not applicable due to a poor master bias.
Thanks for posing an interesting example and data set.