Hi Rüdiger,
Thank you for taking the time for such detailed answers.
Yes, Darks are from different months. The temperature, when known, is represented in the name by two digit before the number of the image (in °C). If it is not known says XX
The article is very interesting, and is made with a camera identical to mine, which is even more usefull, but...
It is not so clear yet the desition of which ISO is conveninte to use reading the parameters and the article. Should I aim to a gain=1?, mean to shot maybe to ISO 200 with Canon XSi..., or ISO 400 with Canon 5DII... (I am not understanding this!)
Regarding exposure duration tested for duration until 2 minutes, the article says:
So, the gain (slope of the line) is increasing and the offset (y-intercept) is decreasing in both cases as we increase the exposure. This would imply that for something very dim (dimmer than the flats I recorded here as the first points you see on the line), the output image intensity would read darker if recorded with a 2 minute exposure than if recorded with a short exposure.
I don't know if it make sense, as for dim details usually the exposures are longer than 2 minutes.
too many doubts...
Regards, Alejandro.