Hi Manu(a)el!
Please cloud you share the settings of the deconvolution processes (or a process icon)? Have you applied the same deconvolution process to all the images? What do you mean by "global dark adjusted"?
Yes, my captain!.
I applied the same settings for all deconvolutions, except the P.deringingDark, which was 0.03 on the last image. This is the value where dark rings starts to disappear.
var P = new Deconvolution;
P.algorithm = Deconvolution.prototype.RichardsonLucy;
P.numberOfIterations = 50;
P.deringing = true;
P.deringingDark = 0.0000;
P.deringingBright = 0.0000;
P.deringingSupport = true;
P.deringingSupportAmount = 0.70;
P.deringingSupportViewId = "star_mask";
P.toLuminance = true;
P.psfMode = Deconvolution.prototype.Parametric;
P.psfSigma = 1.30;
P.psfShape = 2.00;
P.psfAspectRatio = 0.49;
P.psfRotationAngle = 35.00;
P.psfMotionLength = 5.00;
P.psfMotionRotationAngle = 0.00;
P.psfViewId = "PSF";
P.psfFFTSizeLimit = 15;
P.useRegularization = true;
P.waveletLayers = [ // noiseThreshold, noiseReduction
[3.00, 1.00],
[2.00, 0.30],
[1.00, 0.70],
[1.00, 0.70],
[1.00, 0.70]
P.noiseModel = Deconvolution.prototype.Gaussian;
P.numberOfWaveletLayers = 2;
P.scalingFunction = Deconvolution.prototype.B3Spline5x5;
P.convergence = 0.0000;
P.rangeLow = 0.0000000;
P.rangeHigh = 0.0000000;
P.iterations = [ // count