Success! Partial success, anyway. I got the file to load after exporting it as a Windows TXT file from Excel, so it must have put in the right line endings.
Some of the stars are quite right, but others are mislabeled, over blank space.
In the attached example, HIP 32020 is correct (confirmed by another source), but HIP 91758 in the bottom left is wrong. It has an RA of 18h 42m 40s, but it is mapped here at 6h 42m 40s, 12 hours off -- 180 degrees. It is listed correctly in the file (I think, as per your instruction) at 280.6 degrees.
I may need to do another correction factor (positive and negative 180 degrees instead of out of 360?), but perhaps it's something in the script? Not sure, will keep playing.
Here's a link to the working catalog (mags thru 7):
Edit: Also, it would be nice to be able to limit by magnitude on the custom catalogs as well -- that way, I could make the named star (Alhena) visible without its HIP number too.