Hi all-
(preface- I am new to PI, as well as astrophotograpy in general)
I am having trouble every step of the way it seems. Right now I am working with files from a Nikon d90, and tried to use the DSLR workflow. I think that I figured out that one problem that I am having is that the bayer matrix for nikon GBRG rather than the default, so I tried to alter the workflow as such (basically I changed the BatchDebayer to use he GBRG), but that didn't seem to be enough (see the FITs that was integrated with calibration)
So, the first question is, for the DSLR workflow- what needs to be done differently for a nikon?
Since I think that my workflow with the calibration seems to be making things worse, I am abandoning that for now.
So, I changed the DSLR_RAW format back to disable the "Create RAW Bayer", and started re-processing from the NEF files-
I did the Alignment, then went on to integration- and at this point, I think that there is way to much garbage in my image.
I could go on with steps, but I think that I need a sanity check that the images that I am using are even worth trying things with. Should there be this much blotchiness after integration?
(The tutorials aren't really helping with this because I am not even sure at which step I am going wrong, or how to alleviated it)
I put the fits files, as well as the raw NEFs, out on my dropbox.
The files are:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3523855/m82-fits/m82-integrated-from-calibrated.fit : the registered and integrated files calibrated with my (probably wrong) master bias & dark
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3523855/m82-fits/m82-integrated-without-masters.fit : The registered and integrated files without calibration (which looks better but noisy?)
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3523855/m82-fits/m82-RAW-Files.zip : Zipped Set of 8 raw NEF files
I have also included the process export(s) up through the integration step for both with and without calibration, just to see if anything jumps out at anyone.
Any Insight would be appreciated...