This incessant weather on east coast of Australia is driving me nuts. There were two clear nights last week when i was able to test my new Meade 14" and titan mount. I was going to do eta Carina but then changed my mind and went after M42 before it was out of reach. I had to image it at least once this summer. My problem is that during the image gathering process the images i gathered for 5sec, 15s, 30s, 60s, 120s and 300s were all over the shop - guiding errors that i discovered were introduced when the dome covered the guide camera -( moving the scope when it went for a search) so my images were slightly out of sync. now with this new version i know that you need the hdr component images to be the same frame - which i haven't got - exactly. how can i crop/align all of the images to be the same size and alignment? the shots are samples only to show the delema i have (LOL i picked a bad one for the longer exposure - sorry)