Hi Jeff,
I found that StarAlignment's default Interpolation method is AUTO which became Lanzos-3 interpolation on my subs. I don't know if that is something new in PI 1.7
Lanczos interpolation has been introduced in the latest update to all geometry tools in PixInsight:
http://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?topic=3875.0http://pixinsight.com/doc/docs/InterpolationAlgorithms/InterpolationAlgorithms.htmlThe default 'auto' interpolation mode selects now the Lanczos-3 interpolation algorithm when the image isn't being scaled down.
when the same settings operated on my 2x2 binned R,G and B subs, StarAlignment put 1 or 2 dark pixels into 2 to 3 of the cardinal points (top, bottom, left and right) of the outside of all the brighter stars (maybe 30% of the stars in the image).
These are
undershooting artifacts (aka ringing). They are a drawback of Lanczos and bicubic spline interpolation; just a price to pay for the superior performance of these algorithms. Undershooting occurs when interpolating images with very strong variations between neighbor pixels (jump discontinuities). Since binned data are less disperse, transitions from dark to bright pixels tend to be stronger, and hence they are more prone to undershooting. When this happens you have two options:
- If you are registering three or more frames that will be integrated later, then those dark pixels will be rejected during integration (provided you use a pixel rejection algorithm). In this case, just don't care. Keep an eye on the integrated image, however.
- If the frames won't be integrated, then the ringing artifacts should be avoided. Just decrease the clamping threshold parameter from its default 0.3 value to 0.2 or 0.1, or, in really extreme cases, to zero. The smaller the clamping threshold, the more aggressive deringing effect.
In the latest version of StarAlignment I have decided to increase the default clamping threshold from 0.1 to 0.3. The problem with clamping is that it degrades interpolation performance, giving raise to more aliasing artifacts. So we have to choose between a bit more ringing or more aliasing and hence degraded detail preservation. With the new default clamping threshold value we have tried to find a good compromise, after making lots of tests with many different images. However, when one tries to squeeze the last bit of data (which is one of PixInsight's leitmotifs) no fixed parameter can work in all cases; one can always find a new case where a 'good compromise setting' doesn't work at all.
I found by change the Interpolation method from AUTO to BILINEAR, the problem went away completely and StarAlignment made fine-looking registered subs
a) I wonder if BILINEAR is the best choice method here
Not at all. Bilinear should *always* be avoided for production work due to its poor performance. Lanczos provides the best results for non-resampled or upsampled data in terms of subpixel accuracy, detail preservation and minimal aliasing. Bicubic spline is a good alternative, which has been the standard in PixInsight until the latest updates.
b) whether some protection shouldn't be introduced to the StarAlignment to prevent it's introducing artifacts like this in the aligned images.
As I've said above, some ringing is the price to pay for superior interpolation performance. In the cases where this is a problem, we have the clamping feature which can be controlled with the clamping threshold parameter.