Author Topic: xosm files have absolute paths?  (Read 4298 times)

Offline Nocturnal

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xosm files have absolute paths?
« on: 2012 February 15 21:11:36 »


today I tried to move a project from my desktop to my laptop. On my desktop it opened the target file fine but not on the laptop. It only opened a mask and some other file. Not very useful, especially as I was going to give a demo at a presentation. So I open the xosm file and noticed it has absolute file paths in it, despite earlier claims that projects would have relative paths. So I reproduce the directory tree on my laptop. Still it won't open my project properly. Something about HDRWT not being available. Good grief. My laptop had a slightly newer PI version on it. I reverted it to the 1.07.00 version on my desktop but still it won't open.

How is this supposed to work? Shouldn't I be able to pack up a project and move it to some other PC to continue or at least play back the process history?

Bummer, I could have given a nice demo. Of course I should not have assumed this would work and should have tested it properly.

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Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: xosm files have absolute paths?
« Reply #1 on: 2012 February 16 01:01:33 »
xosm files have absolute paths?

Absolutely not. XOSM files have relative paths. PixInsight projects are completely self-contained and modular by design.

On my desktop it opened the target file fine but not on the laptop.

I can't reproduce that. To check if everything works well, I have just opened on this computer (Linux workstation) a complex project (150+ images and lots of process icons and text files) that was generated on a Mac OS X machine, which has a completely different filesystem. I've opened a copy of the same project on a Windows 7 x64 virtual machine. In both cases everything opens fine and works without problems.

We perform the same action you're describing all the time and have absolutely no problems. I regularly move big projects from home to several computers on our university, and Vicent uses huge projects to give talks and in critical tasks of his job everyday.

Have you copied the *entire* .data folder along with the .xosm file? Could it be that there are some missing files in the .dat folder? In such case your project would load only partially.

Something about HDRWT not being available.

Hmm, that shouldn't happen (and doesn't happen; I've just checked) with the latest version of the MultiscaleProcessing module. For compatibility with old versions of this module, the HDRMultiscaleTransform process has "HDRWaveletTransform" as an alias identifier, so the transition should be transparent. Please check that you have the MultiscaleProcessing module version
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

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Re: xosm files have absolute paths?
« Reply #2 on: 2012 February 16 06:37:20 »
Yes I copied the entire folder. 3 Separate times. Each time the same effect.

Code: [Select]
<ImageWindow format="TIFF" filePath="C:/AstroImaging/projects/_InProgress/HD11-F10/M16/range_mask1.tif" formatInfo="compression=ZIP planar=chunky associated-alpha=yes premultiplied-alpha=no software=&quot;PixInsight Standard / PCL; description=&quot;&quot; copyright=&quot;&quot;" currentView="range_mask1" previewsVisible="true" previewIdCount="0" maskEnabled="true" maskVisible="true" enableColorManagement="true" enableProofing="false" enableGamutCheck="false" currentChannel="0" maskMode="2" transparencyMode="1" transparencyColor="4294967295" workspace="Workspace01">

It's certainly possible that filePath is not a relevant field but it most certainly is absolute.

Edge HD 1100
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Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: xosm files have absolute paths?
« Reply #3 on: 2012 February 16 06:58:39 »
<ImageWindow format="TIFF" filePath="C:/AstroImaging/projects/_InProgress/HD11-F10/M16/range_mask1.tif"

The "filePath" attribute stores the original file path of the image. However, the project does not depend on this item, which is in fact just copied but ignored when the project is loaded. The relevant items are the "src" attributes of views; for example:

      <MainView id="NGC1808_L" creationTime="2012-02-16T08:27:25Z" lastFileUpdateTime="2011-06-04T00:37:54Z" zoom="-5" xpos="2040.00" ypos="2040.00" stfEnabled="1">
         <image src="@project_data_dir/UKU845OIQ-000003" sha1="8f19c0d058cf52f852fe7cbf023dd8904231ff48"/>

The src attribute always points to a relative path within the data project directory, using the '@' prefix and special metadirectories, such as 'project_data_dir'.

I see you're using version 1.7.0, which is now obsolete. The MultiscaleProcessing module that comes with version 1.7.4 declares the "HDRWaveletTransform" alias and hence doesn't cause this problem. Besides that, the entire project system is more robust in versions 1.7.4 and 1.7.5.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Nocturnal

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Re: xosm files have absolute paths?
« Reply #4 on: 2012 February 16 07:43:31 »
I know 1.7.0 is obsolete but that's the version I saved the project under. Can I not reasonably expect 1.7.0 to re-open the project? As I said, I was running the latest PI on my laptop and it did not open the project either. It was then that I down-revved my PI in a last ditch attempt to save my presentation.

Edge HD 1100
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Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: xosm files have absolute paths?
« Reply #5 on: 2012 February 16 07:52:26 »
Indeed 1.7.0 should open the project without problems. There's something strange with your installation, or perhaps a bug that we haven't detected yet. Please try the following:

1. Install the latest version 1.7.4. Don't update it to 1.7.5 at this point.
2. Reset your installed modules:
   2.1 Run PI
   2.2 Process > Modules > Manage Modules
   2.3 Click Disable All
   2.4 Click Done
3. Exit PI
4. Run PI. The default modules will be installed automatically.
5. Ideally, update to version 1.7.5.
6. Open your project. There should be no problems.

Please let me know if this works.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Nocturnal

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Re: xosm files have absolute paths?
« Reply #6 on: 2012 February 16 07:55:13 »
I installed the very latest PI 1.7.5, applied updates and still it doesn't load my project.

Loading project:
* SHA-1 checksum: 5632adae04ce8fb8dd880bf18ae8061fcdb00f76
* Reading project metadata
Created .................... 2011-Sep-09 01:46:02 UTC
Project generation features:
Include images ............. true
Include previews ........... true
Include interface states ... true
Include icons .............. true
Include text documents ..... true
File checksums (SHA-1) ..... true
Purge existing files ....... false
Check space available ...... true
Workspaces ................. Workspace01
Screen geometry ............ W=1920 H=1080
* Loading images
Reading image: range_mask1
Reading image: M16_L
*** Error: Unknown process: HDRWaveletTransform
** Warning: Skipping unknown 'instance' project element.
** Warning: Skipping unknown 'instance' project element.
** Warning: Skipping unknown 'instance' project element.
* Regenerating masking relations
** Warning: The project has been loaded partially with 1 error(s).

I did this before seeing your reply so I will re-try that process.

Edge HD 1100
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Offline Nocturnal

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Re: xosm files have absolute paths?
« Reply #7 on: 2012 February 16 08:03:14 »

Ok, the module reset worked. I can now load the project. Thanks for providing the fix and of course I wish I had not assumed things would work and tried it a few days ago. Lesson learned.

Edge HD 1100
QHY-8 for imaging, IMG0H mono for guiding, video cameras for occulations
Takahashi EM-400
PIxInsight, DeepSkyStacker, PHD, Nebulosity