Author Topic: Varios  (Read 5242 times)

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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« on: 2012 February 14 19:21:31 »
Hi, Some bugs I am having here.

Windows 7 64

DrawSignature v1.1 script. I can not use space bar in text :

(See image)

Clasic star mask present following error:

E:/Pictures/PROCESADAS/2011_11_08 NGC 2070 8300 ALVEAR Andrés/Segundo
Reading FITS: 32-bit floating point, 3 channel(s), 3312x2487 pixels: 100%

run --execute-mode=auto "C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/ClassicStarMask.js"

Processing script file: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/ClassicStarMask.js

ConvertToGrayscale: Processing view: MaskView3
Writing swap files...
81.90 MB/s
In-place grayscale conversion: 100%
0.613 s

ConvertToGrayscale: Processing view: AuxMaskView3
Writing swap files...
134.47 MB/s
In-place grayscale conversion: 100%
0.489 s
*** Error [001]: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/ClassicStarMask.js, line 50: ReferenceError: HDRWaveletTransform is not defined

If I go to:
LoadProcesIcon >Open, ask for close active icons with the following message:
"The current process icon has been modified and unsaved" Unsaved data will be permanently lost. Trhrow away all process icons? and it open de icon but close the others.
But it could be done if click and drag from the folder to workspace with an information message: 1 new icon(s) had to be renamed due to conflicting identifiers with previously existin icons. Original identifiers have been suffixed as necessary to make them unique.

This is not a bug, they are diferents funtions "Load Process Icons" and "Merge Porcess Icons"

The next is dificult to explain, I will tray in spanish:
Es difícil de explicar y de determinar cuando ocurre, quizas esta descripción alcance...
Posiblemente suceda cuando dejo de usar PixInsight para hacer algo en otro programa, por ejemplo navegar por internet y luego vuelvo a Pix y quiero hacer algo simple como cerrar una herramienta y no se puede. La ventana se pone azul al hacer click sobre ella, pero los comandos no funcionan.
Es suficiente  un  click sin soltar sobre la barra superior de la herramienta e intentar moverla para que reaparezca en el borde superiror izquierdo de la pantalla.
Luego se puede ubicar en cualquier parte y funcionan normalmente.   
Pasa lo mismo con todas las herramientas que estén  en el workspace, (abiertas o iconizadas). Si está iconizada, al hacer doble click se abre en la posición anterior a iconizarse pero al intentar moverla se repite lo descripto anteriormente (reaparece en el borde superior izquierdo).
Cerrando el programa y volviéndolo a abrir todo comienza normalmente.
Nota: Pasaba antes de la actualización a 0779 y no probé reinstalando.
« Last Edit: 2012 February 15 18:03:18 by Alejandro Tombolini »

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Varios
« Reply #1 on: 2012 February 16 01:25:58 »
Hola Alejandro

DrawSignature v1.1 script. I can not use space bar in text :

Bug confirmed. This not only happens on DrawSignature, but in *all* dialog boxes created by JavaScript scripts. This is a regression in the PixInsight Core application which we have tagged as high priority. Thanks for reporting and sorry for the inconvenience. You can use Zbynek Vrastil's excellent Annotation tool (Painting category) as a workaround.

*** Error [001]: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/ClassicStarMask.js, line 50: ReferenceError: HDRWaveletTransform is not defined

This happens because the HDRWaveletTransform process has been renamed to HDRMultiscaleTransform recently, and scripts have no way to be tolerant to process name changes automatically (as do process modules). Simply rename all occurrences of "HDRWaveletTransform" to "HDRMultiscaleTransform" in the script's source code and it will work.

The next is dificult to explain, I will tray in spanish:

This is a complex interface problem that I cannot reproduce on our machines; nothing similar happens on any of our working Windows installations. Sometimes Windows does this kind of odd things under some circumstances; other users have reported weird behaviors before. Most times these things are due to nonstandard desktop configurations and/or installed applications. If I can't reproduce the problem, I can't fix it. Try to find some pattern that we can identify to reproduce a similar issue consistently.

Thank you for your reports.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Varios
« Reply #2 on: 2012 February 29 20:31:45 »
Hola Juan, gracias por las respuestas.
Volviendo sobre éste problema, capturé un par de videos, en el momento que pasa con una imagen y también con una herramienta.

Descripción Pix1:
Estoy navegando por internet, luego vuelvo a Pix y quiero cerrar la imagen sin éxito. Simplemente minimizando y volviendo a maximizar se soluciona y la puedo cerrar.

Descripción Pix2:
Al volver a Pix abro una primer herramienta y no hay problema, abro una segunda y cuando la voy a seleccionar inmediatamente aparece en la parte superior izquierda. Luego se comporta normalmente.

Por ahora estoy usando Linux como workarround, y esto me lleva a otra consulta:
He procesado una foto completa en Linux, luego intento abrir cualquiera de esos archivos archivos desde Windows y me dice: (adjunto imagen)
Las fotos las trabajo en un disco NTFS compartido diferente a donde están instalados Windows 7 64 y Linux Gnome 11.10

Saludos. Alejandro.

Pd: Perdón por la calidad de los videos, voy a tener que preguntarle a Harry cómo se hace esto... ::)


Hi Juan, thanks for the answers.
Returning to this problem, I captured a couple of videos at the time happens with an image and a tool.

Description Pix1:
I'm on internet, then I go back to Pix and I want to close the image but without success. Just minimize and maximize again and I can close the image.

Description Pix2:
When returning, I open a first tool and no problem, I open a second and when I select immediately appears in the top left. Then behaves normally.

For now I'm using Linux as workarround, and this brings me to another query:
I processed a full picture on Linux, then try to open any of those files from Windows and says (attached image)
The pictures are in a different shared NTFS drive to where Windows 7 64 and Gnome Linux 11.10 are installed

Saludos. . Alejandro.

PS: Sorry for the quality of the videos, I'll have to ask Harry how to do this ... ::)


Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Varios
« Reply #3 on: 2012 March 01 01:20:10 »
Hola Alejandro

Gracias por los vídeos. Son, cómo decirlo, interesantes... :) Bromas aparte, jamás había visto algo así. No tengo ni la más remota idea de lo que puede estar causando esto, pero me inclino por pensar que hay algo en la configuración de tu escritorio que es peculiar o se sale de lo que es habitual. También podría ser una aplicación que esté interfiriendo con el funcionamiento normal de PixInsight.

PixInsight es diferente de la mayoría de aplicaciones porque implementa su propio espacio de trabajo independientemente del sistema operativo. Por eso funciona exactamente de la misma manera y tiene el mismo aspecto en todas las plataformas; además, el espacio de trabajo de PI es mucho más eficiente y tiene más funcionalidad que la que puedes encontrar en otras aplicaciones que dependen del SO. Esto explica por qué solo te pasa esto con PI.

Una prueba rápida. Si sitúas la barra de control de Windows en la parte inferior de la pantalla, ¿sigue pasando lo mismo?


Summary for English readers (sorry, too lazy and too busy to do a complete translation):  Alejandro is experiencing a really strange GUI behavior with PixInsight, as becomes evident after watching his videos. I have no clue as to what can be doing this on his machine. I haven't seen anything similar before, and the only possibility I can figure out is that some peculiar desktop configuration and/or desktop management application is interfering badly with PixInsight's workspace... Sort of 'shooting in the dark', but I've suggested he moves the Windows control bar back to its standard bottom position.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Varios
« Reply #4 on: 2012 March 01 02:42:53 »
Sorry, I forgot to answer this one:

I processed a full picture on Linux, then try to open any of those files from Windows and says (attached image)
The pictures are in a different shared NTFS drive to where Windows 7 64 and Gnome Linux 11.10 are installed

This should not happen. The problem may be due to the space at the end of the "M421000 " directory. White spaces at the beginning or end of a file or directory name should always be avoided. In general, try to avoid spaces in file and directory names. You can use the underscore (_) or hyphen (-) characters for separation purposes. This will save you a lot of problems, not only with PixInsight.

Let me know if this helps.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Varios
« Reply #5 on: 2012 March 01 18:53:53 »
This should not happen. The problem may be due to the space at the end of the "M421000 " directory. White spaces at the beginning or end of a file or directory name should always be avoided. In general, try to avoid spaces in file and directory names. You can use the underscore (_) or hyphen (-) characters for separation purposes. This will save you a lot of problems, not only with PixInsight.

Yes!, it was the problem, thank you.


Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Varios
« Reply #6 on: 2012 March 01 19:01:59 »
Una prueba rápida. Si sitúas la barra de control de Windows en la parte inferior de la pantalla, ¿sigue pasando lo mismo?

I've suggested he moves the Windows control bar back to its standard bottom position.

Done, I try it and let you know if it works

Saludos. Alejandro.

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Varios
« Reply #7 on: 2012 March 03 11:21:47 »
Una prueba rápida. Si sitúas la barra de control de Windows en la parte inferior de la pantalla, ¿sigue pasando lo mismo?
I've suggested he moves the Windows control bar back to its standard bottom position.
Done, I try it and let you know if it works
Unfortunatly not!. I moved Windows control bar back to its standard bottom position and restart, but the behavior is the same.
I think that it is the only modification that I have...