Author Topic: strange reflection pattern  (Read 3624 times)

Offline Raymond

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strange reflection pattern
« on: 2012 February 14 13:11:26 »
On febr. 10, I photographed Venus and Uranus with a William Optics 110/770 - Field Flattener - mod. Canon 500d. As the difference in brightness is huge between both planets I decided to take pictures of 20s, 10s, 5s, 2s, 1s, 1/3s and 1/16s and intend to combine them using HDRComp.
In the image below, a regular (horizontal-vertical) reflection pattern is seen around Venus. It is the first time I see such a pattern. I suppose it has it's origin in the camera and not in the optics of the telescope. Does anybody know anything more about the origin of this pattern?
Second problem - how to reduce this effect? I used a mask (with L-Mask subtracted by the stars) to reduce the brightness of this pattern, but it is still visible in the final image. Is there any procedure that is more effective? Maybe Fourier Transform - but I've actually no experience in that field.
Thanks for any help!

Planewave 14" CDK - 10Micron GM2000HPS
William Optics 110/770 & FF | HEQ5-Pro
Omegon 66/400 | MGEN-Lacerta
Canon 500d mod

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Re: strange reflection pattern
« Reply #1 on: 2012 February 14 17:15:13 »
FLI PL09000 have similar pattern.  ;)

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Re: strange reflection pattern
« Reply #2 on: 2012 February 14 19:34:57 »
so that's a pattern on the sensor itself? i ask because i had exactly this kind of pattern when shooting toward the sunset on my iPhone 4!