Author Topic: GradientHDRComposition: out of memory everytime  (Read 3042 times)

Offline federico

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GradientHDRComposition: out of memory everytime
« on: 2012 February 14 07:30:54 »
Hi all,
I'm working with three images and searching to do HDR composition in many flavours.  I for sure made an error with HDRComposition. I tried every sequence (higher -> lower, lower->higher, Automatic Exposure evaluation checked/unchecked) but everytime I obtain the "shorter" image with a lighter stain into. I do expect most of the higher image with zones of the shorter into overexposed zones and some sort of averaging of these zones borders. Am I wrong?

So I tried also with GradientHDRComposition. Always OutOfMenory after 2/3 seconds. The same if I reduce the images deepness to 32bit float and also 16 bit unsigned. I've 4GB RAM, no other processes running and when the process goes out of memory the PI process RAM  consumption is lower then 500MB (RAM+Virtual memory). Ok I'm running 32 bits but this is too much! If this is the case, please specify in requirements that a 64bits OS is mandatory...

PI 1.7.5, all updates done, Windows XP 32bit, 4GB RAM.

Thank you for any hint....


Offline georg.viehoever

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Re: GradientHDRComposition: out of memory everytime
« Reply #1 on: 2012 February 14 08:02:26 »
People are frequently running into memory issues with 32 bit OS, with this and other processes. Such search the forum. The best workaround is to go to a 64 bit OS. Also see the system requirements page

Note: Switching to a 64 bit OS should be possible with all except the oldest hardware. My laptop happily runs 64 bit Win7 in 4 GBytes RAM, and I have never got a memory problem since I upgraded.

Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)