Author Topic: Ron has the bug  (Read 3698 times)

Offline Harry page

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Ron has the bug
« on: 2012 February 06 13:45:20 »
I see this on rons yahoo group

PixInsight has some excellent tools in it. I recommend it. It's powerful, so it
takes a while to comprehend how to use it. It also has reinvented the user
interface (it does not use Windows or Mac conventions), which adds to the
learning curve.

But the results it provides are very much worthwhile, which is why I recommend
it. Just prepare yourself to take the time to learn how to use it effectively.

Ron Wodaski

They all fall in the end  >:D
Harry Page

Offline Thorsten Lockert

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Re: Ron has the bug
« Reply #1 on: 2012 February 06 15:47:30 »
I worked on him a bit to make that happen. Showed him, using the same raw data as he processed in PS, some of what could be done.

In particular, for a 1M telescope we are still provisioning, with a Pixis camera (almost zero dark current!), we were taking some test exposures without having any flat fields to calibrate with. And DBE did "magic" for us. Anyone that saw Ron's Hubble Award presentation at AIC could see the result of that. Those were all very short exposures through 3nm narrowband filters, too...

Disclaimer: I do work for/with Ron at Tzec Maun Foundation. I started pointing at PI for him before that, however. 8)


Offline pfile

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Re: Ron has the bug
« Reply #2 on: 2012 February 08 15:39:30 »
this is cool, and i hope he can understand that "reinventing the user interface" is really a byproduct of making a tool that is cross-platform (and the same) on 3 of today's most relevant operating systems. yes, you there are other paths but for a project like this, Qt is a rational choice and for those of us who don't run windows, a godsend :)

Hans Pleijsier

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Re: Ron has the bug
« Reply #3 on: 2012 February 09 10:57:57 »
I am not happy about this.  ;)
The outcome is always the same:
1. PI sales will go up.
2. Juan will buy a porsche, a house on mallorca. And hire 100 "dedicated" employees.
3. Customer service will drop.
4. PI will not be what is used to be: responsive, effective, flexible.