Author Topic: PJSR: BatchRepair script  (Read 6851 times)

Offline Mike Reid

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PJSR: BatchRepair script
« on: 2012 February 02 22:13:02 »
My observatory partners and I have a camera that is very sensitive but has an annoying number of troublesome columns.  These are not simply dead or stuck pixels but instead they are slightly brighter or darker than they should be and are difficult to detect programatically.  Neither have we had any luck calibrating these out with darks and biases.  The best solution so far has been to do column repair.  This is a topic that Bud Guinn addressed several months ago on this forum and that Ioannis delivered the fixLines.js script to address.  This script works well on our images but I wanted to make it a little more convenient to run on a large number of images and I wanted an easy way to enter and store the defects with my data for later reuse.

BatchRepair is based on Ioannis Ioannou's fixLines script and Juan's text file reader posting.  It takes a list of input images and a text file that lists the bad columns and rows. For example,

col 91
col 378
col 839
col 1987
row 334
row 952

I find that using a standard text file for input is very convenient.  Maybe someone else will find it useful.  In addition to the script I have attached a screen shot of the popup for the curious.

« Last Edit: 2012 February 02 22:25:32 by Mike Reid »

Offline sleshin

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Re: PJSR: BatchRepair script
« Reply #1 on: 2012 February 03 08:53:25 »
Hi Mike,

Just tried the script and it work flawlessly. Very nice utility, thanks for sharing it.

Steve Leshin

Stargazer Observatory
Sedona, Arizona

Offline DarrenS

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Re: PJSR: BatchRepair script
« Reply #2 on: 2012 February 05 11:54:32 »
Mike, excellent script. Well explained and worked no problems.

Sorted some troublesome bias files  :)
