add to GUI a CheckBox to NumericControl. Between Label and NumericEdit
Define a CheckBox control with an empty Text() (it is already empty by default) and insert it at the right place in NumericControl::sizer. That should work reasonably well on all platforms, but cross your fingers to have it working properly on Mac OS X:
NumericControl foo;
CheckBox bar;
foo.sizer.Insert( 1, bar ); // index one is between label and edit
If instead of NumericControl it were NumericEdit, an additional stretching space woud be required at the end of NumericEdit::sizer:
NumericEdit foo;
CheckBox bar;
foo.sizer.Insert( 1, bar ); // index one is between label and edit
foo.sizer.AddStretch(); // force CheckBox to occupy the minimum possible space
In the case of NumericControl this isn't necessary because NumericControl::slider already has a 100% stretching factor.