Instead of using darks that match the exposure time of the lights I am taking, I thought I'd try using a dark library and scaling the darks. I had read somewhere that the ideal exposure time for the dark library in this situation was 3 to 5 times the maximum exposure length of your lights, so I created a dark library of 20x30 min darks for 1x1 binning. Due to light pollution and lack of courage, by longest lights are usually around 5 mins, maybe 8 mins.
So as I understand it, when I'm actually imaging, I capture the lights, and for calibration frames I should only need to capture flats and bias on the night?
I came across the excellent tutorial for DSLR workflow by astropixel and Vicent: to use as a basis, but it's not specific regarding the usage of scaled darks.
So my biases are pretty straight forward, they're not calibrated, no normalisation and don't care about weights, pixel rejection I used winsorized clipping without normalisation and 4 high/3 low, and saved as master bias.
My (main) question is about calibration of the calibration files.
I'm confused about whether or not I should calibrate my darks
before I create the master dark. I don't think I do, since the biases are taken on the night. So I just have an uncalibrated integrated master dark from the library, and just tick the box "calibrate" for it when it's used to calibrate the lights. Correct? And PI takes into account the fact that the darks are 30 mins exposure while the lights are only, say, 5 mins?
And similarly for the flats. Should they be calibrated as individual frames before they're integrated, using the above master bias and dark? Or just tick the "calibrate" option for them at light calibration time? And PI hanles again the different exposure times between darks, flats, and lights here?