Here Juan.......................
Calibrate and Preprocessing Script V1.0
Release notes.
Designed by Kia and Juan.
The script allows for automatic sequential calbration, alignment and intitial integration of image sets. It is able to handle mutlple simultainious image sets of various combinations of binning and filters. It does so by accessing the already robust modules contained in the PixInsight Plateform.
It elimates much of the confusion with calibrating step by step. Master frames frames are created and can be reused. Most of the important alignment and integration setting are avialible through the script.
Other features include:
* Cosmetic correction application module to remove defects such as hot/cold pixels and columns
* direct calbration of color one shot color ccd images
* direct calibrtion of raw files.
* neatly sorts the output into the directory and subfolders*
automatic recognition of image types when used with images obtained with MaxIm Dl
Images parameters such as light, bias, dark, flat, filter, and bin can be recognised automatically through their fits header when acquired through MaxIM DL. This done the by selecting the first add images button. Images will be automatically sorted into type ( light, bias, flat) , bin and filter.
These images sets can also be easily be added with individual buttons for bias, dark, light and flat.
The add custom can be used to assign key words used in calbration for matching flats to light.
For example no key words for filters are entered in the fits by your acquistion software. No problem enter add "Red" to your list of lights and flats and the red files will be matched up. A similar action could be used to designate west and east flats and lights from the same pierside when using a rotator.
An instance of script can be saved by dragging the arrow and creating an icon. This is very useful since it save all the paths and parameter for reuse.
The cosmetic correction script will be performed after calibration when checked
A saved icon has to gernerated first from the cosmetic correction module. The Icon can be reused.
Check Boxes
bias master, dark master, flat master - check when the image loaded is a master
CFA - check color camera
Fits order - change for certain acquistion software.
Rejection maps - check for when needed
What else?