I still can not select the same file twice ( i.e master bias instead of darks )
I don't understand why you want to do this, so please clarify. If you don't use dark frames, simply don't select any dark frame and the script will generate and apply just a master bias. Or is there something else that I am missing?
One of the purposes of this script is to simplify some tasks by making it very difficult to make mistakes. Duplicate frames and incorrectly selected frames are two common pitfalls. I don't see any real advantage in allowing them.
still hate I have to mess about with file names
One of the key elements of any good data reduction procedure is keeping all the data well organized. The script tries to enforce the best possible organization and file structure. Correct file names and frame types stored in FITS headers are essential items; this is a very basic requirement for any decent image acquisition software IMO.
With the latest version of the script you just have to be a bit careful to name your images: just include the 'bias', 'dark', 'flat' and 'light' bits as appropriate in the file names and everything should work automatically.
Small bug -the scroll bar on the consol disapears after running the script
Yes, I have seen this. It is a small bug in the PI core application, not in the script. I'll fix it in the next core update.