Hi there,
We have released version 1.0 as an official update a while ago. From now on this script is part of the official PixInsight distribution and will always be released through the update system. For the convenience of developers, I have attached the complete source code to this post.
Version 1.0 comes with the following features:
- Rejection maps stored as multiple image files for all master frame types (not just for master light frames), thanks to a bugfix in the ImageCalibration process (released as an independent update, also today).
- When appropriate, the cosmetic correction and deBayering tasks are applied irrespective of the 'calibrate only' state. When 'calibrate only' is enabled, only the image registration and integration tasks are not executed.
- Prevent errors caused by invalid file name characters in filter names when used as FILTER postfixes. For example, an 'exotic' filter name such as "DLR/2{45}[1]" is now represented as "FILTER_DLR_2_45_1_" in the file name of the corresponding master frame.
- Several bug fixes, including the confirmed bugs that have been reported on this thread.
- The script's change log is now released as a separate text file.
Congratulations to Kay Wiechen and to all the users supporting this great community effort.