The module monitoring selected folder for new images.fit. And if one new image found the module calculate FWHM(gaussian) for all not over-burned stars, show top bright and dim stars data. And calculative average FWHM.
Current version is very simple, but in future I hope to add audible alarm, 3D field curvature and etc interactive services.
How to use: Select folder, press play, drop new image to selected folder ( usually your camera must do it ) and see Console output.
Also you can execute on View.
Note: You can close module interface and if you don't press pause button the module will continue monitoring folder and report to console.
How to install:
The module required OpenGL freeglut 1.8.11)
Windows: Download freeglut package ( for example this one
http://files.transmissionzero.co.uk/software/development/GLUT/older/freeglut-MSVC-2.8.1-1.mp.zip) , unpack it and put only \freeglut\bin\x64\freeglut.dll to PixInsight\bin folded. Note in the package there are 32 or 64 version.
Linux: apt-get install freeglut3-dev
2) unpack StarMonitor module to PixInsight\bin folded.
3) Run PixInsight > Menu > Process > Modules > Install Modules
How to build from sources code:
1) Extract from freeglut sources "include/GL" to "PCl/include/GL"
2)build cminpack-pxi from PCL sources.
3)Makefile Generator scripts:
extraDefinitions: CMINPACK_NO_DLL
extraLibraries: cminpack-pxi freeglut
So, in your PCLLIBDIR64 should be present file cminpack-pxi.lib and freeglut.lib
extraLibraries: cminpack-pxi glut GLU GL
Bin for PI1.8.1083:
Linux64Win32Win64Bin for PI1.8.4.1195:
Linux64Win64Best regards,
v1.0.2 Add File buttons, Alert command and settings.
v1.0.3 Add 3D View via OpenGL
v1.0.4 Add log and stdInput for alert command executing. build for PI1.8.1083 Linux/Win
v1.0.5 build for PI1.8.4.1195