I've recently been having a problem when I launch a 2nd instance of PixInsight: several processes appear to missing from the Process Explorer in the 2nd instance. For example, ATrousWaveletTransform is usually missing when this problem occurs.
Moreover, when I try to load a project that uses one of the missing process into the 2nd instance, the following messages are displayed on the Processing Console at the end of the load attempt (and nothing actually gets loaded):
*** Error: Unknown process: ATrousWaveletTransform
** Warning: Skipping unknown 'instance' project element.
[[ My note: The above warning is repeated multiple times]]
* Regenerating masking relations
** Warning: The project has been loaded partially with 1 error(s).
I've routinely used several instances of PixInsight for a long time (for example, to compare the workflow on an older project with the workflow being developed for a newer one). This problem has cropped up recently, I think within the past few weeks.
Many thanks for any help with this.