Author Topic: PI does not allow preview drawing nor draging  (Read 3113 times)

Offline gvanhau

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PI does not allow preview drawing nor draging
« on: 2011 October 08 09:12:32 »
For some reason since a couple of days, (I think it is since the last update) I can not draw previews anymore.
When I use the tool new-preview, it opens a dialog, asking for a name and coords, (by default it draws a preview on the top left coner).
If I use the modify preview tool, it again opens a dialog .....

Also when starting PI no tool bars are marked in the view menu, although some bars are active.

How can I restore this to the normal behavior?

« Last Edit: 2011 October 08 09:21:19 by gvanhau »
Geert Vanhauwaert

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Re: PI does not allow preview drawing nor draging
« Reply #1 on: 2011 October 08 10:13:53 »


I've noticed some weirdness with preview drawing myself. Somehow it seems the toggle in the button bar does not accurately reflect my ability to draw previews anymore. I toggle it on-off until I have the ability to draw previews again. I haven't gone through the trouble of documenting this better for a possible fix. Juan will most likely respond 'no bug here' anyway :)

I don't know if that's at all related to what's going on in your case but you can reset all PI preferences by holding the Ctrl key as PI starts. I've never tried that but I've read about it more than once before.

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Offline sleshin

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Re: PI does not allow preview drawing nor draging
« Reply #2 on: 2011 October 08 14:23:38 »

There are two buttons in the tool bar that can initiate a new preview. The green rectangle with the little + sign in the lower right corner does what you describe. It's the first button of 4 in the "preview" tool set. The other one is a green rectangle with the left upper corner turned down. It's one of the buttons in the "Mode" tool set. This is the one that lets you draw a preview and can also be accessed with the keyboard shortcut "Alt+N". I think this is the one you're looking for.

Steve Leshin

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