All this sounds nuts but I am at a loss. I'll make it as short as I can.
A short time ago I started to have trouble with jpg uploads to my personal website.
Calls to both my ISP and web hosting service went nowhere. All was fine as far as they were concerned.
The manifestation of the problem is that jpg uploads to the site either never finishing the upload or, if it does finish , the image will not display at all. Two FTP clients verify the files do reach the server. Sometimes they are a lot smaller than they should be. Occasionally they seem to be the right size but still will not display. Usually the uploads will not finish . . . the server keeps trying over and over.
OK, I have a problem with my web site.
Well, then I find I have the same trouble uploading to Flickr.
Then it seems to be only astro images I am having trouble with and then, only very recent astro pictures at that. You get the picture. Only since I started using PI has this problem become evident.
I have checked this out. PI is “poison” as far as being able to upload my images! It doesn't seem to matter if I use PI to make the final save as a jpg or save as a 16 bit tif, transfer to Photoshop and use PS to make the save as a jpg. The result is the same . . . bad!
I know this sounds crazy! But does any one have any ideas as to what can be going wrong?
I have checked this out pretty thoroughly. I have no explanation for it but the conclusion seems pretty inescapable.
Help, please!
Terry Danks