* The window is large and doesn't fit comfortably on my 1440x900 display. It seems that a lot of the script's window is taken up by the preview at the top. But the preview seems redundant since there's a separate preview window in the main PI workspace that exactly mimics what you're seeing in the script's preview window.
Well, it is not exactly redundant. You see it is not just a preview, it is the CONTROL of the real Preview window (and as the matter of fact I made it to be the control of the HaEmission window also, without copying a preview of Ha though). The problem arises from the fact the with PJSR scripting you have limited access to the functions of the PCL library. As Juan has explained in the past you do not have access to the real Preview windows as used from the normal PI's processes.
From what I know so far
(*), the Dialog used as the main control for the script has the exclusive control of the screen (it is "modal", meaning that you do not have access to the other windows until you close it). So, how you zoom in/out or navigate in the Preview (or HaEmission) window ? You have a small window at the top and you scroll or move the mouse into it - and this allows you to control the other window(s). Try it.
The size of the Dialog IS indeed a problem, and arises from the fact that the tool just packs some controls together (preview, buttons, slide bars etc) without actually arranging them in the available screen space. The programmer does not have a clue what the real size will be in each screen. (Juan, Sizer is a great idea but it needs to take the available screen in consideration and/or produce automatically scroll bars, or arrange the controls more intuitively, like TCL/TK's equivalent tool.)
What I was thinking as solution was to re-arrange the different controls (eg put all the preview buttons together, consolidate some of the others in one line etc) so to give more vertical space.
Moreover to see if I can avoid having the main Dialog as exclusive window : in this case you do not need the Control Preview screen on the top, you will have access to the real Preview/HaEmission window to scroll etc
* One comment, though, is that it's not immediately clear that "show HaRGB" is actually the button that does all the work. For me, usually it's clicking "OK" that sets the script off doing the work, and "show HaRGB" could be misinterpretted as just showing a preview. Perhaps there should be a "generate HaRGB" button just above those, the have 3 toggle RGB/Ha/HaRGB buttons?
Yes, it is not clear. Actually ShowRGB just copies RGB to the Preview window, Show HaRGB does all the work and copies HaRGB to the Preview window and OK finalize the result and closes the temporary windows. I would had preferred if the sliders actually perform the job on the fly, but the calculations seem to take time, so I think Silvercup made it like this because of this limitation. Let me think how the procedure can be improved though (and of course any ideas are welcomed)
* I'm not sure of the workings behind the colour calibration part, but I just had the script hang when using it. I had specified a background preview from my Ha image and white balance preview from the RGB image. If I copied the bg preview from the Ha image to the RGB image and called it up from there, the script did finish and work fine. Probably my fault, just letting you know.
Well, I have to check the code and make it more fault tolerant. As far as I understood the logic behind, it is assumed that the BG / White balance previews should be on the original RGB image.
* When choosing the views/images to use for Ha source, RGB source, and the colour calibration previews, the list is also filled with automatically generated views from the script itself. I can't envisage that they'd ever actually be used for those selections, and they clutter up the drop down box adding confusion to the selection. Perhaps views that the script itself generates could be removed/hidden from the drop down?
Yes, I know, it is one of my suggestions also, a few months before. I do not have a quick way to fix this
(*) without re-eventing the wheel, but for sure pending improvement.
Also you have to consider that if you close the Dialog abnormally (eg from the X at the right corner or from a crash) you will have all the temporary Views used from it hanging around.
(*) The problem is that I know quit a lot of programming and I have extensive experience of creating new or understanding and changing other people's code, but I do not know the PCL/PJSR scripting library well enough. That's why I said "pending answers from the Gurus" , I need some answers from people understanding PCL/PJSR better, check
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