Author Topic: QHY8L Calibration  (Read 3892 times)

Offline Earl_UK

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QHY8L Calibration
« on: 2011 September 25 05:41:49 »
My first post here :)

I have a QHY8L for which some may already be aware there is a Double exposure issue for subs under 3.96 seconds.

To Work around this Bias Frames need to be 4 seconds so the information matches the Darks and Lights.

My Problem is happening when i use Flats.

With my light box I use an 8 second exposure to get an average of 22k ADU, so I use Flat Darks of a matching sub length.

I calibrate the Flats with the Flat Darks and my Master Bias (4 second)

Then when I do my Final Calibration of my lights I use my Master Dark, Master Bias and Master Flat, but if I tick the Optimize option on Master Dark I get a very messy output.

Also there is a very strong Orange tint to my images after using the Flats (I use a Astronomik CLS Fliter so its not caused by light pollution) Im presuming that as My flats have a Blue tint due to the filter this is causing the issue?

Any Comments on what im probably doing wrong?
« Last Edit: 2011 September 25 05:48:38 by Earl_UK »