Author Topic: How do I compare dark frames?  (Read 5043 times)

Offline Nocturnal

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How do I compare dark frames?
« on: 2007 October 07 07:12:52 »

I'm trying to quantify how effective cooling my DSI-Pro is. Everyone's always saying that cool cameras work better but I'd like a way to actually measure this. So last night I took a 5m dark at about 15C and then stuck the DSI-P in the freezer. An hour or so later it was around -10C while taking more 5m darks.

I loaded both darks in PixInsight. The cold one looks smoother but the statistics don't look that different:


Mean....... 0.1817018
Median..... 0.1655999
StdDev..... 0.0503856
AvgDev..... 0.0347749
Variance... 0.0025387
Minimum.... 0.1330770
MinPos..... (618,344)
Maximum.... 1.0000000
MaxPos..... (121,1)
Count...... 316224

5m, freezer
Mean....... 0.1781393
Median..... 0.1629362
StdDev..... 0.0472485
AvgDev..... 0.0330379
Variance... 0.0022324
Minimum.... 0.1336080
MinPos..... (636,416)
Maximum.... 1.0000000
MaxPos..... (155,193)
Count...... 316224


Mean....... 0.0276597
Median..... 0.0243506
StdDev..... 0.0203442
AvgDev..... 0.0072733
Variance... 0.0004139
Minimum.... 0.0000000
MinPos..... (155,193)
Maximum.... 1.0000000
MaxPos..... (535,233)
Count...... 316224

The difference was created with pixelmath, hot-cold.

The histograms don't look that differently either.

Do you have a suggestion for how to best compare images like this to quantify noise? What if I had 20 dark frames (same conditions) and wanted to find out the consistency of each dark frame? It seems I sometimes get a 'light' dark frame mixed in and I'd like a way to identify it. I have a suspicion that PCL has the raw tools I need for this.



Edge HD 1100
QHY-8 for imaging, IMG0H mono for guiding, video cameras for occulations
Takahashi EM-400
PIxInsight, DeepSkyStacker, PHD, Nebulosity