Hi Bob
Since the vertical bars follow closely a sinusoidal pattern, you may take advantage of the Fourier Transform to eliminate that effect.
I made a simple experiment with the result attached.
The procedure is as follows:
- Extract the fourier transform (see FourierTransform process) of the stretched image.
- Create a new image with the same dimensions (use the active window). New Image process, under Image category.
- Apply the following Pixel Math expression to it: iif( (x() == 1920 || y() == 1350) , 1, 0)
This will create a black image with a white cross in it, in the center.
- Now, using the Cloning Tool, erase the center of the cross. Just a small section, completelly removing the center.
This will be our mask. Note that the cloning step may need fine tunning to avoid artifacts. This means, you may get haloes in the image, specially from the galaxy. Too wide, you will not erode the noise pattern, too narrow, artifacts will appear.
- Select that image as a mask for the Magnitude component of the fourier transform.
- Apply one of the following processes (experiment with the results):
+ Gaussian blur
+ Median filter
+ PixelMath with the following expression: $T*$T
+ other process that may average intensities or attenuate them.
- Take the inverse Fourier transform, using the modified magnitude, and original phase.
This procedure is known as a Notch filter. I may write a more controllable and easy to use process to perform that, or even try an adaptative algorithm I read about some time ago. Let me know if you are interested, although I can't promise to be too quick to do that.
BTW, there may be some boundary problems with the filter following the procedure described above. This is a result of the zero padding performed by the FourierTransform module. Ideally you should expand the image and mirror the contents in the new space. You may also expand it with a constant value (the Image's mean value), and it would also work better than the first approach.
Also, you may correct any large scale artifact (gradient) with DBE. Even the artifacts generated by the first procedure. A little time consuming, bu this should get the work done.