Author Topic: Problem with DSLR Workflow  (Read 16377 times)

Offline cdavid

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Re: Problem with DSLR Workflow
« Reply #30 on: 2011 September 26 17:17:26 »
Hi Cleon, finally got a moment to get around to this.  So I debayered the images and this is what I got:

Bias: R=0.0039, B and G = 0.0
Dark: R, G, B all = 0.0041
Flat: R=0.0007, B=0.0078, G= 0.0092

When I zoom up on the Bias, I see the usual expected colored pixels of the bayer pattern.  The Dark is just completely sign of any electrical noise ( I wonder if this is my issue), the flat looks like a nice typical flat  kinda dark blue on the edges in a vignetting pattern which I expect since I use a luminescent panel for my flats.

So what does this tell us (me)?



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Re: Problem with DSLR Workflow
« Reply #31 on: 2011 September 27 01:53:27 »
Have you tried ABE or Background Neutralization on the dark. I have seen the same thing with my calibration files at one time, asked the same question and received no reply. I suspect most users have cooled CCD cameras and have little interest in the woes of DSLR users. Bottom line, does the dark work?

Offline Cleon_Wells

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Re: Problem with DSLR Workflow
« Reply #32 on: 2011 September 27 05:46:57 »
Carlos, your Debayered Master Calibration levels don’t look like my levels.
My Canon T1i creates a Debayered .fit Bias of 0.0156xx for the R-G-B channels, you should never have 0.0 level in your Bias subs. I would take the time to take one Bias frame at iso100-1/4000 and one Dark frame at iso400-120sec and one Flat frame at iso200 and a speed that will give you a Debayered .fit level of around 0.03 ADU.
Convert these raw files, one bias, one dark and one flat to .fit files and use them as your Master Calibration files.
Now Calibrate the raw dark frame and flat frame and one of your raw light subs and Debayer these new files; what levels do  you have in these calibrated files?
I’ve attached an example of a similar test, note the small difference between my normal Calibration (40 bias and 10 darks) and the results of Calibration when one frame is used for a Master Bias and a Master Dark.
 My Debayered flat .fit level is,                     R 0.0254xx, G 0,0315xx , B 0.0275xx  before Calibration --
                       after Calibration ,    R 0.0095xx G 0.0155xx , B 0.0113xx.
The basic difference in the Debayered flat level is subtracting the 0.0156xx bias level from the raw flat.
Cleon - GSO 10"RC/Canon T1i-Hap Mod, 100mmF6/2Ucam/MG, EQG/EQmod


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Re: Problem with DSLR Workflow
« Reply #33 on: 2011 September 27 16:20:02 »
Carlos, are you activating the Calibrate check box at any time during calibration? There should be no need unless you are dark calibrating a flat - i.e., the flat is of a significant duration to warrant dark calibration. I find all of this de-ja-vu, been there seen that, at the end of the day regardless of anything else erroneous results are due to either poor acquisition and or incorrect calibration procedures. Strictly speaking it should just work as per Vicent's tutorial - the process icon linked in the DSLR workflow.

Offline cdavid

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Re: Problem with DSLR Workflow
« Reply #34 on: 2011 September 28 10:09:59 »
Hi and thanks for the feed back, I will do that when I get a moment Cleon....not sure why my bias and darks have so little signal. I may reshoot and see what I get.

Astropixel.....I know, but honestly I have used vincents tutorial to the letter....I have used it in the past without issue, but for whatever reason I cannot get things to work with this imaging set. I do not have the Bias calibrate box checked. I have tried just integrating my darks and biases as he states can be done as an alternative without success as well.

I'll post my findings when I get a chance.


Offline Cleon_Wells

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Re: Problem with DSLR Workflow
« Reply #35 on: 2011 September 28 11:20:33 »
Carlos, one way to get R=0.0039, G=0.0, B=0.0 read out is having your probe size set to one pixel and checking a none Debayered file ( where you can see an individual pixel level not affected by adjoining pixels ). I have my probe size set to 9 pixels.
Cleon - GSO 10"RC/Canon T1i-Hap Mod, 100mmF6/2Ucam/MG, EQG/EQmod