Hi Juan and fellow developers,
based on my work described here
http://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?topic=3351.0, I'd like to try to generalize my comet registration script.
I imagine something with two modes:
Comet registration modeInputs:
List of images (calibrated, debayered, star-aligned)
Two reference frames and comet distance between them (pre-measured by user with DynamicAlignment)
Reference frame (images will be comet-registered on this image)
Prefix/postfix for registered frames
Source of time of exposures for each frame (
need help with this)
It will compute offsets for each frame using time of the exposure and linear interpolation and create and save shifted images.
Optionally, it would also integrate images with suitable parameters to remove stars as much as possible.
Comet removal mode Inputs:
List of images (calibrated, debayered, star-aligned)
Integrated star-free comet image
Prefix/postfix for processed frames
Source of time of exposures for each frame (
need help with this)
It will compute offsets in the same way as previous mode. For each frame, it will shift the integrated comet image, subtract it from the frame and save result.
Optionally, it would also integrate images with suitable parameters to remove possible residuals of the comet.
Problem I don't know how to solve is getting time of exposure for each frame. It can be probably read from original FITs. But calibrated, debayered and star-aligned images probably lost all metadata already. Or am I wrong?
Another problem is when using DSLR. It would be fine to convert RAW metadata to FITs header when converting to FITs using BatchFormatConversion. Then, we have just the previous problem to solve.
Any suggestions are welcome.
thanks, Zbynek