here is the latest release of the GradientDomain module. News:
- The feathering process has been accelerated quite considerably, thanks to hints by Juan. A feathering with radius 50 has been reduced from 20 minutes to just 5 seconds 8) .
- The problems at the border to the global background are gone, see attached screenshot. This was achieved by changing the handling of gradients at the border of images, using the gradients at the actual border where there are no other images. While it still is possible that problems happen (e.g. in corners between images), it is quite unlikely.
- I added some timing output to be able to identify performance bottlenecks in larger mosaics that testers may try.
- And last but not least, the module comes with decent PIDoc documentation, as should any slightly complex tool do
Please note that the module is still beta. Possible areas of improvement:
- No process icon
- No way to cancel the process
- incomplete/non existent progress reporting
- Code review: The whole source would certainly benefit from a thorough code review. I am a believer in code reviews
- speed: the current solver is 3x slower than an FFTW solver. Still, for Harry's NA example, the process runs for only 55 seconds, which is quite acceptable, so we may decide to stick with the current solver. With FFTW, it needs only 25 seconds. Other processes elements also may benefit from some performance aware coding.
And of course, we need much more experience with application to real mosaics. The tests that some of you have done on previous incarnations of this process have been most helpful. Please do not hesitate to report test results and suggest improvments.
PS: Juan, feel free to publish compiled versions. The documentation is not contained in the attached tar.gz file due to size issus. Please let me know where to mail it.