Interested in thoughts on this workflow - ideas, improvements.
In an attempt to get a little finesse and detail into my Canon 1000D images while avoiding saturated colours to cover up noise, I set about developing a post integration work flow, and this is what I came up with.
Instead of using Georgs' Canon Banding Reduction script on the single integrated RGB or histogram stretched image, I used the Channel Extraction tool, extracting the RGB channels and rotating them individually, applying Georgs' script separately to each channel, then re combining with Channel Combination to produce a new RGB, band free, noise reduced image.
One of the things I noticed, is that applying the banding reduction script to the integrated or stretched image caused the banding to move around slightly - it was impossible to eliminate banding completely (banding is severe on my camera despite the latest firmware update, but some of the noise is due to not dithering properly). Now all I have to contend with is slight streaking in the red channel, which is strangely absent in blue and green (the red channel is most affected by banding also).
This process will also work, but I think is less effective, on an untouched integrated image. Yet to try it on a stretched image. In any case noise reduction is significant. Nice flat images up to the application of LRGBCombination and further color stretches. Keeping application of tools to a minimum and careful application of lum masks was helpful at this stage.
Interested in getting feedback. It would be nice to use a process icon for this.