Hi guys... this is kind of off topic here, but I wanted to hear your thoughts about this topic.
Several years ago I builded a webpage, and hosted it on astrosurf. As you remember, in the late 90s/ealy 2000s the only thing that was widespread avalaible was a pure html site (then, some java code entered... but many browsers were not that compatible). Anyway, the years passed, and now the site is highly outdated. Uploading new images is a PITA
since I have to create a new special page, add links everywhere, create thumbnails of different sizes. Too much work.
So, I want to start something from the scratch, and have a new site to post every kind of images, not just astronomical. I've found a few nice looking solutions, like SimpleViewer, and some flash templates, but I don't not yet how easy are them to mantain, or to add new pictures.
Since ease to use is one of my big concerns, I was thinking also about other alternatives, common picture hosting sites, like Flickr or Photobucket. They provide a ready to use engine, free hosting, and lots of features (along with a community that may comment pictures, joing groups, etc etc).
I'm not sure which option to choose. In one hand, a homesite provides more freedom. But it requires more time... Picture hosting sites are less "professional", and have limited features... but I may spend less time adding new content, and also avoid creating the first template.