Author Topic: combination of H alpha with R/L using the maximum operator  (Read 4110 times)

Offline kwiechen

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can anyone show me the pixelmath equation to combine H alpha for example with R using the maximum operator? Is it useful to apply a Linearfit before?

Or is there already an implementation of the new approach for the combination;board=5.0

Thank you very much!



Offline kwiechen

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Re: combination of H alpha with R/L using the maximum operator
« Reply #1 on: 2011 August 28 04:48:54 »

I have tried to combine H alpha data with (rather poor and noisy) broadband data using the technique described here The resulting continuum map looks very strange and so I have stopped this.

Then I have tried to combine Ha/R and Ha/L using the max operator from pixelmath. As I am using the Astronomik LRGB filter set, I think it may be appropriate to blend some H alpha data in B and G to simulate H beta too.

I have tried

max( (blend_factor * Ha + (1 - blend_factor * Broadband), Broadband )

to control transfer of H alpha into broadband data without affecting star size after aligning the background using the AutoHistogram tool (blend_factor 0.8 for R, L, 0.1 for B, 0.05 for G for example).

