Author Topic: GUI elements  (Read 3971 times)

Offline FunTomas

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GUI elements
« on: 2011 June 20 22:09:14 »
What is the difference between these buttons? Thank you for explaining. I couldn't find any information about it.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: GUI elements
« Reply #1 on: 2011 June 21 04:54:42 »
Here we go:

- New Instance icon (aka 'the blue triangle'). Click this icon and drag it to generate a new instance of a process that encapsulates all parameters currently defined on the corresponding interface window. You can drag this instance to the workspace to create a new icon, or to an image to apply the process, among other actions.

- Apply button (blue square). Click this button to apply a process to the active view. The active view is the current view (a main view or a preview) on the active window. The effect is the same as if you drag the blue triangle to the active view.

- Apply Global button (blue sphere). Click this button to execute a process on the global context of PI. Not all processes can be applied globally. When a process is executed globally, it does not apply to any particular image. For example, a process that can only be executed globally is Preferences. This process changes a number of options that affect the whole PixInsight platform —such as folders, window colors, parallel processing settings, etc.—, but it does not change any image.

Hope this helps.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline FunTomas

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Re: GUI elements
« Reply #2 on: 2011 June 21 11:39:21 »
Thank you Juan for explanation. The blue disc icon is available at StarAlignment dialog. This icon started process of alignment on all images selected in the dialog - global action. I was wondered why these two icons worked and I can't find any difference between these two actions.

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