Author Topic: Combining mono L with L from RGB ?  (Read 4114 times)

Offline Ioannis Ioannou

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Combining mono L with L from RGB ?
« on: 2011 June 08 01:40:11 »
I was wondering, is there any benefit to extract the (pseudo) L from RGB , integrate it with the original L and then rejoin the new L with RGB ?
Or the LRGB tool will do this anyway during the combination L + RGB ? Assuming that L and RGB are of similar quality etc.

Thank you in advance
Clear Skies
John (Ioannis)

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Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Combining mono L with L from RGB ?
« Reply #1 on: 2011 June 08 12:17:24 »
Hi John,

The LRGBCombination tool has four channel weight parameters that allow you to combine source LRGB components with the corresponding components of a target image. By default, the four weights are all set to one, which means that the source images specified on the LRGBCombination tool (Channels / Source Images section) will replace those of the target image.

However, mixing an L frame (lightness) with the implicit lightness of an RGB image is generally a bad idea. Doing so is incoherent with the normal purpose of the LRGB combination process. We perform LRGB combinations because the L frame has better SNR than the RGB frames. So, why combine a good L with a poor L? :)
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Ioannis Ioannou

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Re: Combining mono L with L from RGB ?
« Reply #2 on: 2011 June 08 20:19:24 »
Just a play of the mind (and thank you for your reply, I understand that your time is precious right now)

Lets consider this case: 2 hours L , 1 hour each of RGB. Same time for each subframe.
If I extract the luminance from the final RGB and add it to the original L, this will not give me 2 + ((3 x 1h) / 3)  = 3 hours L ?
Or I missed something?

Clear Skies
John (Ioannis)

FSQ106N+Robofocus+QHY-22+SX USB wheel+Baader filters
SX OAG+DSI Pro guiding a NEQ6
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