Hi Sander,
it seems that in some cases the file name I specify in the 'save as' dialog is not actually used. Well, the first time it is but when I try to save a second file under a different name it tells me the file already exists and reports the previous name.
There are a few issues with Qt's file dialogs that I'm working on; let's see if the next version doesn't have some of them. I think this may be the cause of this problem.
Oh, after saving the file (FITS modified, then saved as TIFF) it tells me file isn't saved yet if I try to close it. It shouldn't as I just saved it.
This is not a bug. It is the
strict file save mode that PixInsight uses by default. You probably have seen a warning message on "missing format capabilities" upon saving the TIFF file. In this case, the reason is probably that the TIFF format cannot save FITS header keywords.
In strict mode, when you save an image in a format that:
* Is not able to store all existing data: ICC profile, keywords, metadata, etc.
* Cannot save images with the required data format: insufficient maximum bit depth, or not able to write floating point samples.
* Writes images using a lossy generation scheme: JPEG or lossy JPEG 2000, for example.
then the saved image does not clear its modified status. This is a security feature to prevent accidental data losses.
You can disable the strict file saving mode in Preferences, File I/O Settings section.