Hi everybody,
We are proud to announce that a new version of PixInsight is now available for all supported platforms: 1.7.0 for FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
PixInsight 1.7.0 Starbuck is an important milestone in the history of PixInsight development. This release introduces the new project functionality in PixInsight, new Convolution and FourierTransform tools, a new JavaScript engine with just-in-time compilation, new process output properties for flexible script development, a new format hints system that allows ad-hoc control of file formats, a renewed look and feel on all platforms, and hundreds of performance improvements and bug fixes.
PixInsight project allows you to take a snapshot of the whole PixInsight platform and save it as a special file in XML format, along with a data folder where all images, previews and related data are stored with their processing histories and associated states. A project can also include all workspaces, icons, text files and the current states of all process interfaces, among other objects. We uploaded a movie to PixInsight's YouTube channel where you can see an example of PixInsight projects in action:
http://www.youtube.com/user/PixInsight#p/u/0/3U8jw3ZjcywWhen you load a project everything returns to the exact state it had when you saved it, and you can continue your work at the point you left it, just as if you had not exited PixInsight or turned off your computer. Projects are going to change the way we work and enjoy image processing with PixInsight definitely.
PixInsight 1.7.0 also
integrates Mozilla's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine version 1.8.5, the same engine used by Firefox 4. It includes an improved JavaScript interpreter and two just-in-time compilers to achieve up to 4x faster execution of scripts in PixInsight, compared to version 1.6.9.
There are much more improvements in PixInsight 1.7.0. This version comes with two new tools: Convolution and the FourierTransform/InverseFourierTransform pair. The Convolution tool allows you to define Gaussian filters (with customizable sigma, kurtosis, aspect ratio and rotation angle), arbitrary kernel and separable filters with a powerful filter library manager, and apply images as convolution filters.
FourierTransform and InverseFourierTransform allow you to perform discrete Fourier transforms and manipulate the transform components directly (either as the power spectrum -magnitude and phase- or as the real and imaginary components). Then you can apply the inverse transform from the modified components. An extremely interesting image analysis and processing tool in the frequency domain, conceived by PTeam member Carlos Milovic.
I am aware of the fact that all of these new tools, features and improvements require thorough descriptions with examples. We'll provide them, once we get a bit of rest after the final sprint before release. We'll post detailed release information to the
Release Information board on this forum during the incoming days.
Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement. We work for you and for the development of astrophotography. We hope all of you like and enjoy this new version.