I have always created the bayered master frames. Darks, flats & bias. Then calibrated the (still bayered) lights, then with PixInsight, unbayered the lights and then align and integrate them.
If I use Nebulosity, I will align and integrate the (still bayered) frames and unbayer at the last step of the post-processing.
BUT! and it is a big but, my frames come out of SBIG cameras under the FIT format.
Your frames come out of a Canon under a RAW format which need to be converted to FIT although I have read posts from folks stating that now, with PI, you can create the masters under the RAW format (for some cameras) and get your FITs later. But i have no experience with RAW frames as an input.
To see if one of your master frames is incorrectly corrected, bypass them.
After converting your RAWS to FITS, debayer the lights, align and integrate and STF the result.