Author Topic: ImageCalibration fails to handle hot pixels with Dark Optimization Checked  (Read 3349 times)

Offline jeffweiss9

  • PixInsight Old Hand
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  • Posts: 339
Please see this post for a description of the problem, which hours of work have convinced me that this is a bug in ImageCalibration:

I have also sent a series of messages to Vicent's hotmail account containing links to a sample raw, master dark, master bias, master flat, calibrated light with Optimization Checked and calibrated light with Optimization unchecked.

Please post responses, if any, in that thread.
Thank you.
« Last Edit: 2011 April 10 09:53:39 by jeffweiss9 »
APM LZOS 130/780 f/6 LW CNC II APO, Riccardi 1.0 FF or 0.75 FF/FR, Tak EM-200 Temma2, FLI Microline ML-16200, Astrodon E Gen 2 filters and 5nm Ha, Orion 50mm Guider & Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2.